Entry #11

160 11 7

Dec 20, xxxx
Anbu ID# 396659
Assigned Alias- Wolf

"Anbu Wolf Reporting.

This week and next mark the academy's Christmas break. Anbu Fox, as well as Squid, Owl and Vulture have cornered me and threatened me into sneaking their presents into the boy's house for Christmas. It was, almost terrifying, having them ambush me. I accepted their gifts of course, though I wonder why they didn't put them under his tree themselves like some of the other anbu. . .

Anyways, he has been alone for most of the break what with his lack of family. It's depressing really, he knows we're here and it makes me feel guilty. But your word is law, Hokage-sama. On top of the others gifts, I myself have gotten him a gift as well. I plan on sneaking them in on Christmas eve so as not to interact with him.

He's been well today, he kept warm and didn't get into much trouble. He stayed inside today as the weather was cold and snowy.

Subject sustenance intake consist of:

cup ramen
hot chocolate (I suspect this was given to him by Anbu Fox)
Christmas candies (Again, I'm suspecting Anbu Fox)

He seems to be doing better this cold season, much better than last year at least.

Signed XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Special Anbu Wolf"

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