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Fisheries, That was the last anbu report. How do you feel about them apples huh? To be honest this is my first 100% completed Naruto story (besides Rasa Has A Monster, but that one isn't even finished. I still need to do the sequel/arc 2) I feel accomplished. So I know I dumped 15 Oc anbu on you all. I know you have questions. Yes I am willing to answer them all, just ask here and I will make another part explaining them. So if you want to know stuff like families, genders, etc. then ask. I won't answer right away, but I will answer them. Also, I had a small idea to do a 'epilogue' of sorts for this. Should I write it? It'll be different from the rest of the story but, I don't know. Should I? Oh and certain Anbu represent certain friends of mine, I guess as a type of mini game for this, can you guys guess which anbu they are? There are six in total. Anyways, I guess that's the end of this.

Bye Fishes! 

Love~ Spencer 

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