Entry #14

131 8 0

Jan 10, xxxx
Anbu ID# 885046
Assigned Alias- Pig

"Anbu Pig Reporting.

Hmm, curios. Several anbu have been dropping from the force or disappearing. I understand that a riot appeared in the village not to long ago, I unfortunately was out on a mission with my team. I haven't heard much about it. 

I've been in my post and I have noticed that the subject is hesitant to go outside. Very curios. I have also failed my mission of being unseen. I had been called out. I'm, sorry Lord Hokage. I was seen during his self training and i was. . . 

trapped. . .

He trapped me and wouldn't let me go until I pointed out the openings in his stance. I'm ashamed Lord Hokage. Very ashamed. Uh, That's all i can point out that was noticeable to me.

Subject's sustenance intake consist of:

cup ramen
hot chocolate

Signed XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Pig"

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