Chapter 6- Missing

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Katie's P.O.V:

"Pleeaasseee tell me Jacob!!" I pleaded, only getting a chuckle in response, making me pout. I'm currently trying to get Jacob to tell me where we are going for our so-called date.

"You'll see soon Beautiful" he said and I blushed.

"Beautiful huh?" I said, trying to hide the fact that I actually really liked the thought of him calling me that.

"Of course" he didn't even hesitate I'm responding.

"Does that mean you're-"

"Handsome? Yup" he cut me off and I smiled contently. We pulled up to an abandoned looking place and I gave him a weird look.

"Where are we?" I asked and he smiled cheekily at me.

"This place used to be a hospital but it was abandoned about a decade ago" he stated and I gave him a weird look.

"And why are we here?" I questioned further as he grabbed my hand.

"You'll see" was all he said before pulling me into the run down hospital.


After about 10 minutes of me complaining, he opened a heavy metal door at the top of a staircase and I gasped at what lied beyond it.

There was a beautiful sunset, the sky being a mixture of blue and pink with the clouds being fluffy. We were on the rooftop and all around and below us was the city. It was an amazing sight to see, being able to see and hear everything, while also being able to focus on eachother up here, no interruptions.

"I brought some food, but it isn't very fancy, sorry" he said, blushing slightly as he took out a family size bag of chips and Oreos with a few water bottles.

"It's perfect" I said, making him smile widely.

"So, tell me more about yourself Beautiful" he said as we sat down on the edge of the building, our feet dangling off the edge.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, not sure what to say.

"Everything" he simply stated, causing a smile to form on my face.


We talked for about an hour before I realized I've only been telling him about myself.

"Okay it's your turn Handsome, I want to know more about you" I said, looking over at him.

"Okayyyyyy well my name is Jacob West, I have 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister. Stay at home mum, dad's out of the picture, I work as an online college professor, my favorite color is red, my favorite animal is a phoenix, and my favorite girl is you" he said cheekily and I smiled, blushing lightly.

"Good to know" I said and he laughed, handing me an Oreo that I quickly took. He looked out towards the almost completely gone sunset and I'm glad he did because suddenly the Oreo lit on fire.

What the héll!?!

I quickly absorbed the flame, throwing the cookie off the building which luckily Jacob didn't see. Instead, he turned towards me with a smile on his face.

"Well I should probably be taking you home now Beautiful" he said and stood up, holdings hand out for me to take, which I did, standing up too.

We made our way back down and when we got to the car he opened the door for me and I blushed and smiled, saying a 'thank you' and getting in. He ran around the front of the car to his side and got in, starting the engine and backing away from the magical place.

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