16 | Birthmark

247 16 0

Song - So Cold


His pov

I open my eyes because of someone's continuous shaking.

Wake up! We have to go! Tzuyu is waiting for me! I close my eyes again.

U go, m not feeling well. I say covering my face with the sheets.

How will i talk to her then? Myungsoo asks shaking me again.

Take her to a movie. U wouldn't have to talk. The shaking stops and i hear the door close. I don't think i can do it anymore.

This goes on.

Everyday Myungsoo wakes me up, and i say m not well, then he leaves. One week. It's been one week since i last saw tzuyu, since i last heard her voice, since i last left my room. Everybody is worried about me.

I hear voices downstairs which indicates that myungsoo came. He was out with Tzuyu. It's 10am. The voices starts to fade.

I try to sleep. I love sleep but sleep hates me. I close my eyes, shifts uncomfortably. I grab a pillow and hug it tightly. I turn around. I kick the pillow away. I grab the sheets and cover myself. I threw the sheets away. I grab it again. Frustratedly, i sat up on the bed. Why m i not able to sleep?

Looking at the clock, it turns out to be 12am. The time sure flies. Why not meet aera? I kick the sheets off me and jump off the bed. I walked towards the window, her window is closed. I message mina since m not in a mood of talking to sana. Her glaring face will be the reason of my death.

I texted mina to come at her balcony, i know she and Tzuyu r the only person who could be awake at this time.

I walk downstairs, grabbing my coat, i close the door carefully. I looked up at mina's balcony, she was there. Walking across the street, i couldn't understand wat i was feeling, was it sadness of losing Tzuyu? Was it happiness of seeing aera?

Mina gets why m i here and throws down the rope and ties it on the pillar. I am so used to this rope now. I grab the rope tightly before climbing up.

Tzuyu is awake right now. U should wait for sometime. She says and i nodded. I walk inside and jumped on her bed before throwing my whole body on it.

Yah! Yah! Yah! It's not ur bed! She yells at me.

Yeah, it's not. I sat, she was sitting on the couch watching me curiously. I look at her confused.

Wat? I ask and she leans her head on the couch.

Nothing. I know...why u guys left. I jumped out of the bed and she quickly looks at me like a weirdo.

Wat!? I almost screamed.

Hani unnie told us. We get it jungkook. But why didn't any of u contacted us? She ask sitting on the bed beside me. I look away.

I was coming back. I was coming back to korea to meet her, i even texted her that i got into an accident, don't worry about me. She really didn't worried about me. I sigh. I can't believe after everything we have went through, a small divorce paper can break us apart.

I was out of hospital, happy that m going to surprise Tzuyu. But she surprised me first-by sending those divorce papers.... I look back at her and her eyes were filled with anger. Is this going to be my last night alive? I am going to haunt jimin until he dies!

Tzuyu. Didn't. Sent. Those. Divorce. Papers. She whispers. I snap my eyes at her.

U. Did.

No! I did not! Just then she looks up, her eyes were teary and filled with anger. But then i get it, the anger is not for me.

Then i realised, it was not Tzuyu who sent those divorce papers to me, it was not me who sent the divorce papers to her, there was a third person between us.

From the corner of my eyes, i see something moving, i look in that direction. There was a mirror and wall. There's nothing that could have moved.

Who was it? She whispers.

I don't know. I look down..


Since when did u started to respect me this much? She speaks when i call her noona.

Mina....she sighs.

What happened after Tzuyu got that divorce papers? She looks at me like i have shot her in her guts. Oh my god, why did i even think of guns, now my birthmark is starting to pain.
Well done Tzuyu, u still manage to shoot me without a gun, huh?

She locked herself in her room for 3 days. She didn't ate, she was inside with aera whole time. We all could hear her sobbing, crying and screaming. She wouldn't let us enter her room, she locked it. Tzuyu cried for me.

She continuously cried for three days, without stopping. That's wat happened jungkook. My eyes burns with tears. I can't believe anything. I feel suffocated. My birthmark starts to pain like crazy yet i am looking down. Two arms were wrapped around me.

It will be okay... Mina says and i somehow believed it though i know, it will never be okay..

Even though Tzuyu and i aren't together, Sana and Taehyung aren't together...u should stay with jimin. I whisper and she pulls away.

Was he----

Yes, he cried. He locked himself in the bathroom while bathing, he cried out ur name, we all thought he is going to suicide, he actually was going to but we reached on time Mina. He was still alive. Before mina could show any reaction a thud sound from the room across fills up this room.

The room across is Tzuyu's room.

I ran towards the door but didn't opened it. I let mina go there and see wat has happened. I lean on mina's door from inside her room when mina goes to tzuyu's room.

Tzuyu wat happened!? I heard mina say.

Were u crying? Why would Tzuyu cry?

It's hurting. Something in my chest is paining like hell. My stomach keeps on twisting. My heart keeps of aching without any reason.

Is she--feeling--my pain?


Hey guys!
Sorry for not updating,
My school started😥
Love ya❤❤

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