Chapter 28: A Cavalry

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"Iron Tail, Pikachu!" Ash called, hopping away from the man. The Skull leader raised his hand, his fingers beckoning for both Ash and Gladion to take him on at once. Pikachu ran forward.

"Chu pika"! Pikachu cried, bringing his shining tail whipping around and crashing into Golisopod's exposed chest. The Hard Scale Pokémon took it head on and Ash could almost see it grinning. Pikachu's eyes widened, but Guzma issued no order.

"Get in there with Crush Claw!" Gladion shouted. Null ran forward, slower than usual from its fatigue. Its claw glowed blood red, a sharp contrast against the white gleaming floors of the manor's foyer. It slashed upward and Golisopod moved from the force of it colliding with his body. Pikachu dropped to the ground.

"Keep it up, Pikachu! Don't give it a chance! Greninja, in there with Cut!" Ash ordered. Despite their time apart, Greninja nodded, instantly snapping into the attack. Guzma struck out for Ash but he twirled to the side, putting to use some of Serena's own performance training. As he came out, he kicked for Guzma and nailed him on the side, though the man merely flinched a little. Gladion ran forward and slammed into his stomach with a headbutt, driving him against a wall that appeared to be one of those connected to Lusamine's office.

Pikachu was back on the attack next to his trusted ally. Greninja had called his swords forth as he, Pikachu and Null all struck towards Golisopod. The bulky Bug type, however, never attacked back. It just grinned. Greninja sliced downward and Pikachu swiped upward, both attacks nailing on their opponent's head. Null moved in to slash across and Golisopod's body moved just slightly to avoid the blow, only to take a blow to the face from Pikachu. It was odd, but Ash couldn't think about it with Guzma's fist coming at him.

He ducked low, rolling across the floor and making a low kick at Guzma's legs, sending the older man tumbling. Gladion backed up and punched him in the face, as promised. "That's for using me!"

"Usin' you?" Guzma cackled out. He skidded across the ground, but popped right back up with a flip to his feet, grinning. "You let yourself be used, 'cause you knew you'd be nothin' if you weren't a tool."

Gladion had no answer to that, and Ash wasn't sure what to say to him. Guzma seemed to like hurling around words like "nothing" on a consistent basis, and Ash had started to hate it. All words from his past that made him drown in failure: pathetic, nothing, loser. He had to wonder, though, if Guzma had had much the same said to him once upon a time, considering how focused he was on it. For just a moment there, battling him, Ash connected with his potential pain, even if it didn't excuse his actions.

"I'd still be me," Gladion insisted. Ash kept one eye on the two, and another on the battle between the Pokémon. Why hadn't Golisopod made a move yet?

"Yeah, and what are you?" That question made Gladion scowl, but it gave Ash pause. That was the question wasn't it? What did having a 'me' mean? What is a Pokémon Master? Golisopod's claws glinted as both Pikachu and Null moved in, Greninja soon joining the cluster.

"Pikachu, Greninja, pull back now!" Ash ordered harshly. The two stopped their attacks, Greninja finding it easier as he grabbed Pikachu and hopped away. Guzma's grin stretched.

"First Impression!" Just as expected from their opponent, Golisopod's claws glowed a sickly green, almost extending outwards. Null lunged at Golisopod but was unable to break off its attacks. The claws finally attacked, gouging into the creature, carrying it with Golisopod's strike and slamming into the wall. That very wall broke into pieces and Null was tossed into the office, slamming against the open bookcase door. There were shouts from inside, but Ash was back to focusing on the battle. Null was struggling to stand.

"Thunderbolt, and use Cut!" Ash yelled. Guzma was back on him as Pikachu called the voltage to his body and let it rip, getting the attention of Golisopod in time for Greninja to slash downward. Guzma punched out, but Ash dodged to the side, grabbing his arm. He stared into the abyss, that reflection of self, and couldn't look away, even as Guzma knocked him on the head, sending him to the floor.

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