Chapter 20: A Stalking

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Very little to say this time other than time for the next trial. It was a tricky one, and I'm still not sure it's the best, no matter how much time I spent on it. Hopefully you enjoy Chapter 20!

Chapter 20

A Stalking

"This. Is. Ridiculous!" Jessie's screeches were not the most comfortable way to wake up in the morning, especially with a balloon full of sand, yet that was exactly what James heard when he did. Well, that and Crabrawler diving into the sand for some random reason.

"What's ridiculous, Jess...?" Meowth groaned out, taking his face out from the pile of sand that was there. Jessie stomped her foot down, and quickly got their attention. Crabrawler popped his head out of the sand, clamping to his collection of berries. He quickly dropped one in James' lap before systematically delivering them to each of the rest of the crew. Bewear got more than her fair share, mostly on account of being large. Jessie bit into hers before responding to Meowth's query.

"This! Following the twerps without stealing anything," she snapped, spit flying from her mouth as she ate. Bewear looked at her and shoved a berry inside her own mouth. James surveyed their esteemed "leader" and decided to keep eating breakfast, meager as it seemed. The sun was rising overhead, making the air very hot, though they weren't moving. Wobbuffet was still sleeping!

"But Jessie, dat's what we said we was gonna do," Meowth pointed out to the woman. Jessie scoffed. "Look, you know dat da twoips have only powered up in Alola, like da twoip's Decidueye. Actually, trying ta attack dem would kill us."

"Well, right now we've been up mountains, been janitors at that stuffy observatory, nearly got killed by those Team Skull idiots, snuck away from that whole debacle and then crossed rugged terrain before dealing with a sandstorm!" Jessie snapped. James nodded his head, recognizing each of Jessie's grievances. Truth be told, he had hoped for them to do more against Team Skull, but that whole thing was full of so much chaos, it was all they could do to keep their heads above water, and escape when the time was right. "And let's not forget that emotional parting we had to watch between the twerp and his Greninja!"

"Dat was da hardest ting ever..." Meowth sobbed out, suddenly tearing up. Jessie had practically joined him. Their combined tears were almost making James have his own, but he held it in. He hadn't thought that the twerp saying farewell to a Pokémon of his would be so heart-wrenching, even if it wasn't permanent.

"Point is, we've gone a lot of places and have nothing to show for it!" Jessie snapped, slamming her hand on the balloon basket. It wobbled, but James was too focused on his breakfast to think it was an issue. "We didn't even try to confront ARC in that city! That's ridiculous and uncalled for! The boss would have our hides!"

"So?" James asked. Inkay was upon his head, eating his berry in tandem with some of his croissants. Jessie and Meowth looked at the blue-haired man like he was absolutely crazy, and that perhaps his brain was a little heat and sand-addled. However, he was thinking quite clearly. "I just don't think we should always do what the boss asks when he's not watching our every move."

"You're sounding crazy, James," Jessie said. She was shaking her head, but James waited a little longer to see if she'd say more, polishing off his breakfast once and for all. Once he had, and she hadn't said anything else, James stood, stretching his arms upward.

"I don't think it is!" he stated positively. "Personally, I feel we've been doing better when we're doing things like the Ceremonies or helping the twerps. Trying to impress the boss usually just makes us fail. And I don't think we should try to take down ARC. I mean, they're in the shadows, right, old chums?"

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