Chapter 16: An Observatory

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Earlier posting today (just a little) due to stuff, but that just means more time to enjoy the chapter. Speaking of, time for Chapter 16!

Chapter 16

An Observatory

The bus trundled along the mountain road, filled with the delightful chattering of the passengers. Finally being able to actually head up the mountain at a decent speed must have been a relief to many of them, even if the bus was a little more full than Ash supposed it usually was. Part of the raven-haired trainer's mind was on how Hau and the other Jangmo-o were doing, hoping the boy would get there sooner than later, but the other part was focused on Clemont's impending task, one that Rotom seemed most excited about.

"Does this mean Rotom and company can contact Professor Oak in a flash?" it asked, zipping about the bus excitedly. It drew some slight attention while Clemont chuckled.

"Something like that, I guess. I mean, we could always give him a phone call," Clemont pointed out. Ash didn't want him feeling like his work was negligible in the long run, so he slung an arm around him like always.

"But it's not the same. If the professor isn't at the phone, then it's pointless. With the IRCS, we can contact him wherever he is in a flash. What you guys designed is beyond impressive!" Ash told him. Clemont blushed a little at the notion and mumbled a thanks for the encouragement. "I bet Bonnie will be really proud once she hears that you've done it."

"Maybe we should contact them when it's installed," Clemont suggested. Instantly, Ash found himself shaking his head, prompting a rather perplexed look from the inventor.

"Serena wanted this time to help her figure things out, same for me," he told him, clutching at his backpack while Pikachu dozed away on his head. "It might not end up being much, but let's have something to share with them when we get back instead of intruding on that, yeah?"

"Good point," Clemont agreed, their bodies jumping a little at one of the bumps in the road. Ash could feel his excitement growing, especially with the new partner that was at his side. Another trial was coming up, and he wondered what this one would entail. That excitement quickly jumped up at the sound of the little boy from earlier.

"Look, mommy! There it is!" Ash and Clemont both leaned over from their seats in the back of the bus to press their faces against the window. Pikachu woke up and managed to do the same with Rotom.

It was a magnificent sight. A large building that looked almost like it was electronic in nature. Part of that may have been because of all the Electric type Pokémon that were surrounding the building, as though they were attracted there by one thing or another. Whatever it was, it made the place look even more alive than ever. His gaze traveled upwards and he saw the large bubble that signified the massive telescope pointing towards the sky, which was starting to darken just a bit. He almost hoped they'd be able to all look at the stars together.

Turning his head, however, yielded an even more magnificent sight; one that got his blood racing in the moment like none other. It was a mountain, larger and far more majestic than the one they were on. It almost seemed like it was reaching for the very heavens with the way it was placed. Atop it, though, was the most attracting feature: a large stadium that looked to be currently constructed around an older one. It was like an ancient colosseum for gladiators that was being retrofitted. There was no doubt in Ash's mind. That was Mount Lanakila. That was where the first ever Alola League would be held. His heart raced from it.

"All right, folks! Here we are!" called the bus driver, and Ash could feel the entire bus shuddering to its halt. The doors snapped open, and those near the front began to race from the bus. Outside, by the bus stop for down the mountain, plenty of others were also waiting, like they had for a while. Ash shook his head, thinking about the new Pokémon with him.

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