Chapter 26: A Secret

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Hey, everyone! I've gone and opened up a Patr(e)on page! You can see the link on my profile page, and I hope that I can have some support from all you. There's lots of great things I'll provide for those who pledge support to me on that page, including some early chapters or notes, and even some writing tips. I hope I've earned that from you! But for now, Chapter 26!

Chapter 26

A Secret

"Well, twerp, hurry up already! We can't hold these bozos off forever!"

"Yo, who you calling-gah!" The Skull member was suddenly slammed by an impromptu attack from Bewear. He landed amidst his comrades and they fell like bowling pins, knocking into yet another group of Team Skull and sending them scattering. Clemont looked up, seeing a ladder being lowered over the side of the balloon basket. They had to make their decision now.

There was really only one choice.

"Coming aboard!" Bonnie yelled out. She bent down to pick up Dedenne and scrambled for the rope ladder. The second it touched the ground, she was on it, clambering upwards with Rotom buzzing ahead. Clemont had to admit that he was surprised on how well Bonnie and Rotom could get along in a crisis, for all the sniping they did to each other.

"Right, we'll be there in a sec. Everyone, return!" Ash called out, calling back his larger Pokémon that would likely cause the balloon to capsize. This was no different for Serena, who was forced to call back both of her own. Clemont had no real problem, Bunnelby and Charjabug leaping on to him.

"Let's make this quick," Serena said once she returned her Pokémon. Gladion and Null were still in action, the latter whipping its head around to blast back the ever-increasing circle of grunts. "Gladion, we need to go! Now!"

"Urgh," the boy grunted out. Clemont could see that it seemed he wanted to vent all his frustrations on the current enemy before them, but knew the smartest course of action would be moving to save his sister. If he was honest, Clemont couldn't blame the boy; had he been in Gladion shoes, he might've chosen the same exact options. People did crazy things for their siblings, even if Gladion's was more misguided than most. The inventor was sure that Ash could understand that, too, despite their scuffle, but it was hard to trust someone that had befriended them and then used that friendship against them.

The only easy factor to know was that whatever Lusamine was planning with Nebby, Team Skull, Lillie and the Ultra Space, it would not be a good thing. Heahea was more than enough proof of that.

"Clemont!" Serena called for him and the bespectacled boy looked up to see his friend already climbing up the rope ladder. Ash was underneath her, and seemed determined to not look up until Serena was safely inside the balloon. With a loud screech of joy, Bewear was sailing through the enemy forces, who seemed to be utterly taken aback and scrambling to recover after the surprise attack.

"We're on it! Let's move, Gladion!" He didn't know where it came from, but he walked right over to the blond older brother and grabbed him by his hood, pulling him along to the rope. He shoved him forward to ensure that he would start climbing up first and then immediately followed after (after the boy had returned Null, of course).

Some Air Cutters suddenly flashed by, nearly impacting with the ladder and slicing it, but Clemont tried not to pay attention to that. Sure, his legs were shaking horribly, but he continued onward and upward until, at last, he had set himself on relatively firm ground in the very familiar Meowth balloon. It was a tight fit.

"Didn't calculate this..." James wheezed out. That much was obvious. Clemont squeezed himself to a corner of the balloon and looked over the edge, grabbing Charjabug as Bunnelby hopped to the edge.

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