Chapter 19: A Scarcity

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People liked what was inevitably coming last time. Hopefully you'll like stuff this time. Also, Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans. Now, time for Chapter 19!

Chapter 19

A Scarcity

Clemont was flabbergasted, his mouth hanging open. Next to him, Pikachu had fallen off of Ash's shoulders as the boy stopped moving. Rotom also made no movement, other than a blank face appearing on its screen. Kahili and Hapu said nothing and also made no movement. Out of all the scenes they had expected to see on arrival to Blush Mountain, this was not it.

Serena had slapped Keoni. Hard.

If Ash was pleased about this notion, he didn't show it, and Clemont most certainly didn't blame him. Anyone who was still in the area, seemingly the crowd from the Ceremony, was staring at the scene, as well. No one talked, or moved, or made a sound except for a light squeak from inside of Lillie's bag. They all just stood there, watching Serena's open hand hang in the air, and Keoni's face turned to the side, a red mark stretching across his cheek.

The inventor swallowed, not sure what to say or what to think. He couldn't even imagine the number of reasons that Serena could have slapped him for. Had she just lost to him? Or was he being his usual self, trying to butt in on a relationship that wasn't going to end? Either way, he had to have crossed a line for Serena to slap him. Clemont had only known her to slap one person in her entire life, and that was Seamus when he had tried to kill himself. For her to do so now...

"Shut up," she snapped, her voice echoing around the mountain. Those that didn't understand what was going on in the slightest began to walk away, clearly not wanting to get involved with the drama that now appeared to be manifesting itself. "Don't you dare say that again."

"I..." Keoni, for once in his life it seemed, was unable to find the words to say. He stood there, reeling in shock from the force of the hit. He slowly turned his face back to look at Serena, something briefly stirring in his eyes, as though a sudden view of the girl had changed. It prompted Clemont to do the same as he. The blond inventor could see the tears in her eyes, even from the distance they stood. She had to have noticed they were standing there, because she didn't look at Ash once.

"That was rude, mean-spirited and a lie," she seethed, looking like she was about heave her breaths and chest. "You can talk all you want about me, say all the mean things you can think of. Insult my performing skills, my battling skills, my dream itself...but I won't let you call Ash a loser."

Ash's body seemed to jerk at this, like it was hit with a revelation; though whether for himself or his relationship, the blond wasn't sure. Either way, Clemont wasn't surprised; despite their less than stellar parting and the time apart, it was clear to him that theirs was a love that wouldn't die. They'd been through too much to let it. Shuddering a breath out, Clemont could hear Ash's words. "Serena..."

"Ash is brave, strong, and a far better man than you will ever be, Keoni," Serena said. It was remarkable to watch. Until this point she'd been nothing but patient with the condescending boy. She put up with every one of his barbs. Every one of his flirtations and lame attempts at seduction. Everything. And she shrugged it off with all the grace and poise befitting Aria. Now, though, Clemont realized she was exhibiting a different kind of grace: the kind that was able to be assertive and put an end to a toxic line of behavior.

"Better...?" Keoni gasped out, looking surprised. His hand was now gripping his cheek, and he looked confused as he stared at Serena. It was as though no one had ever made physical contact with him once his entire life, at least in the sense that Serena had.

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