Chapter 28: A Cavalry

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I always love stories where the feeling in the middle or the end is completely different from the one you had early on in it. I hope I've been able to recreate that with my own story. Time for Chapter 28!

Chapter 28

A Cavalry

Ash watched Serena go, running off with an exhausted and partially soot-covered Clemont, towards what he figured could only be Lusamine's office and their ultimate goal behind it. The sounds of battle were still going on outside the manor, each one indicating that those battling were giving it their all to fight off Team Skull. There was still some puzzlement about whatever Plumeria was referring to in regards to the future, but Ash chose to focus on the present. Most particularly, Guzma.

Greninja turned his head, looking directly at Ash, and he could tell that underneath his tongue cowl, the frog was smiling at him. There was certainly a warmth at being reunited with his partner Pokémon that he was so connected with. Though, they had said they would definitely meet again soon, anyway. For the moment, it wasn't important. Their connection was intact, ready to fight. Their memories were shared, unneeded to be spoken in words, but ones that they would use to fight off the leader of Team Skull that wanted to stand in their way.

"Kids like you always gotta talk tough, am I right?" Guzma said, grinning at Ash and Gladion. Ash shifted his foot, both Pikachu and Greninja gearing up for a battle. So was Null, pawing fiercely at the ground. It felt like there was a shared feeling between all three of the combatants this time, unlike the last time they'd squared off in the Battle Royal.

Gladion, who must have hated himself for what he had done to his sister at this point. Ash, who hated Guzma for what he was forcing them all to go through. And Guzma, who must have hated the world so much that he wanted to see it gone, just like Michael. Their feelings were about to collide with one another, Ash knew, and he had no idea what would be left in the rubble. It made him waver momentarily, realizing how similar they were in their core emotions. He shook his head.

"No, we're really going to take you down!" Ash proclaimed to him. "You've hurt the people of Alola, and don't care about anybody but yourself, and now you're hurting our family."

"Take yer self-righteousness somewhere else, kiddo," Guzma said to him. The grin hadn't gone away, still bearing down eerily upon him. "This world ain't done nothin'! It's beat us down and beat us down like we're pathetic trash, so why should I give a damn? Far as I'm concerned, it's got what's comin' to it! The President is the only one that knew we were more! So, go on and protect yer region. Meanwhile, we'll all have our dreams come true, and there ain't nothin' you can do to stop your boy Guzma."

"Shut up!" Gladion roared, running straight for the man. He punched forward rapidly, but Guzma quickly grabbed his arm, stopping the attempt cold before nailing him in the stomach with his own well-aimed punch. Gladion wheezed and stumbled backwards. The older man chuckled, body tensing for a real fight as his eyes settled on Ash, licking his lips.

"Come on, boys! I want passion and conviction! Not weak little hits that mean nothin'!" Guzma said. Ash narrowed his eyes, that word repeating in his brain. Nothing. But more than that, he was beginning to wonder if, perhaps, Guzma was trying to fill the passion he lacked. Ash swallowed, and he clenched his fist. This was their showdown, and he was going to make sure it ended here.

"Metal Sound, Null! Now!" Gladion wasted no time in giving the command, though he looked rather winded. Guzma's grin increased, lighting up at the thought of the battle. Null, exhausted and heaving, hunkered down and a loud sound quivered out. Ash tried to not let it bother him despite being on the same side as it. Guzma certainly didn't look concerned whatsoever by the attack on his and Golisopod's senses. Nevertheless, Ash now struck forward, punching right at Guzma. The man blocked it and aimed his own to Ash's stomach, but the raven-haired trainer raised his leg to slam it into Guzma and push him backwards.

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