Chapter 17: A Thread

Start from the beginning

"Whaaaat?" she asked, almost upset about the notion. Serena ran forward and hooked her arm with the fellow blonde's, staring up at the bright sunrise. "You're giving up?"

"I never said that," Serena assured her with a wink. "I'm just taking stock of things. Something Maka said when we met her at the Hano Resort. She was studying a different perspective of Ceremonies for her films. I think I need to take a step back and just watch one."

"I guess..." Lillie said, though she still sounded rather sad about it all. "I just like seeing you perform..."

"Oh, come on, Lillie," Serena said, nudging her a little. "I love performing, too, but I think that maybe I've let it get to me. If I really want to make people happy, I need to feel like I'm one of them instead of something apart from them. So, let's experience being a part of the audience together."

"Oh, all right..." Lillie conceded. Serena squeezed her tighter and began pulling her to the two energetic girls that were outside the structure to the main building of the area. Serena wondered if that was where they would register, but also felt a freedom in not needing to.

"You guys took a while," Bonnie and Acerola said at the same time. It was eerie how similar the two of them seemed.

"Just clearing some things up," Serena laughed out, feeling all the lighter. "Come on, let's check out the museum." Bonnie and Acerola both threw their hands up, cheering loudly for that as they led the quartet inside the museum. Lillie still looked like she wanted to pout, even after they had entered. "You're not really upset, are you?"

"No, but I wanted to see you beat that Keoni," she said sharply. Serena gave off a short laugh, surprised at the girl's vehemence towards the boy. She quickly figured out why, especially when she saw the direction of Lillie's glaring eyes. There, standing and talking with what looked like the manager of the museum, was Keoni himself. He didn't have his Vulpix, though, the little fox replaced with a rather majestic looking Ninetales. He'd obviously been busy. The boy turned and his eyes lit up upon seeing her.

"Yeah, I want to beat him one day, too," she told Lillie in a whisper, squeezing her arm. She then put a smile on her face, and waited for the boy to approach.

"Serena," Keoni called from across the museum. Bonnie perked up, looking all too mischievous. "I'm glad you made it."

"Are you?" Serena asked in a deadpan. "I'm surprised."

"I'm more surprised he isn't hanging on your arm for every second, unless he's just hiding from me, but I doubt his capacity to do that," Keoni smirked out. Lillie tensed around Serena's arm, but Serena chose to not give in to the jab. Thankfully, Keoni ignored Ash's absence from that point forward. "Guess we'll have to see who wins this particular Ceremony, won't we?"

"Oh, yes, I suppose. I'll look forward to watching your performances," Serena admitted. Keoni's brow furrowed, clearly confused, but she kept smiling. When he finally seemed to decide it didn't matter, he smirked once more.

"You'll be entertained then. Speaking of, how about some lunch today. Or dinner?"

"Keoni," she said sweetly, gripping Lillie as she began to turn her body. Taking away the pressure of the Ceremony had instilled her with confidence, an ability to recharge her batteries. She wasn't going to let him take that away. "You're a very good rival, but I'm not interested in lunch unless everyone is there with me. Now, if you'll excuse me, Lillie and I wish to explore the museum a bit."

Lillie looked completely gobsmacked, allowing Serena to wheel her away towards a miniature of the power plant. Keoni just stood there, but when Serena looked back, he was smirking. He clearly felt there had been some kind of challenge issued. The honey blonde just shook her head and smiled on. She was lighter.

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