✴Chapitre: Cinquante▶Un✴

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NB: Sorry for the lack of Friday's update. My weekend has been hectic. I recently started working but its only until May the job lasts. No worries there will still be updates.

To the girls, well I think your girls, in the comments who argue and fight I love you guys. Made my day today lolzz😂😂😂😂😂 I almost died with laughter. And more is joining the fight lolzzz.

Anywhooo... Pictures on page◀ before this, if you missed it.




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Children are a gift for some but in a cruel world, they are not. They are a burden for the ones who bore them.


(A few days later at dinner time.)

The smell of the food leaving the kitchen had my stomach in knots. The maids sat everyone's plate in front of them. When my plate reached in front of me, bile raised in my throat.

I had to hold my mouth, keeping it close so that nothing would accidentally spill out. Speedily racing from the table I found the nearest toilet.

As I reached I immediately made a home in front of it. All the contents I had in my stomach coming out with distaste. Soon I was dry heaving over the forsaken bowl.

"A. Babe, are you ok?" Niko asked worriedly as he came and sat next to me. I nodded my head in answer and he proceeded to rub my back.

The both of us had yet to tell the family that I was with child. We were going to tell them after dinner but this shit happened.

There was a knock at the door.

"Ari. Niko is everything okay?" Kyra's voice sounded behind the closed door.

"Its time to tell them," Nikolaos whispered and I agreed. "Yeah, we good. Kyra call a meeting," he said as he helped me off the floor.

I was only a couple weeks pregnant but I had dizzy spells and really bad nausea. He put his hand on my waist, kissing my forehead as he walked us to the door.

I felt way better by the time the men settled for the meeting. Nikolaos stood in front of all of them, while I sat.

"I told Kyra to call this meeting because Arden and I have something to announce." he paused and called me to stand next to him, "We are not going to wait to get married. We have decided to get married sooner than later." gasps followed then the questions.

"Why? This was the plan to trap Vito." Phanes voiced.

"Arden is having our baby." the entire room went up in an uproar of rejoicing. Everyone was hugging each other. It was like they were also having a child.

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