"I know and I'm really sorry I didn't mean for this to happen I was going to stop I just didn't want to have it backfire on me" she said finally looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Look what happened happened, but mad as I am I would never leave you and my kids like that, I just need a lil space to get the shit out my head because I swear I picture you in my head doing the shit that we do in bed with whoever that nigga is and it fucks with my mental you understand me?" She nodded and wiped her face.

"Okay...but do you really have to go?" I nodded and pulled her into me and she laid her head on my chest.

"I love you Mama"

"I love you too pa" she said hugging me tightly.

"Now uh, can a nigga get some or what?"

"Sorry you gotta wait"

"What you mean wait? I haven't put it on you in three months" I said sticking out my bottom lip making her laugh.

"I know but the gates decided to open up today sooo no play for you boo" she said walking away.

"Girl you better stop playing like we never did it while you was on that already"

"Not this time nasty, what you want for dinner?"

"You but that Shepard's pie you made once was good"

"I don't have enough time or the ingredients right now pick something else" she said going over to the fridge.

"Well I don't know really it's up to you" I said shrugging.

"Okay then so smothered steak and rice and beans it is" she said taking the meat out the fridge along with stuff to make the kids snacks while I sat there watching her.



I was completely floored, he's forgiving me this fast but... I still have one major problem and I don't know how to go about doing this.. how could I even begin to handle this when I know in my heart it's wrong but I haven't spoken to Tyrell since I blocked him and everything and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't wanna speak to me after the way I ended things between us but I had to try I also know I have to tell August because I don't think I can go through with the other route I never did it before and I don't know if I can do it now.

"Mommy AJ keeps throwing his ball into my room" I looked over my shoulder at Nayla.

"Do you have homework baby girl?" I asked walking over to her and stooping down bringing us face to face.

"No I did it after class before you piccked me up" she said smiling big.

"Good girl you wanna snack?"

"Yes please"

"Okay go sit with your dad and I'll bring it okay?"

"Okay" she said skipping over to sit next to August.

"I'm gonna beat your sons ass I done told him bout playing with that damn ball in my house" I said going for the stairs.

"I got ma, go finish up what you doing" August said pulling me back.

"Okay...and um before you leave tonight August we have to talk it's really important" I said softly, he stared at me for a second and nodded then turned off and left.

I just know this was gonna be the final crack that broke everything but I refuse to keep a secret this big from him it was bad enough I cheated but this is just the icing on the cake. A few minutes later the kids came downstairs and sat around the table I gave them their snacks and started seasoning the meat so it could marinate until I was ready to cook it.

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