Chapter:15 The Grim Reaper

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Becky's POV
"Alex, everything is going to be okay?" I said,
It was scary seeing him on the stretcher in the ambulance. When we got to the hospital Adam and Jack were already there, I ran over to them and hugged them. "Where's alex?" Jack said trying not to cry. We turned around and we saw alex being pushed down the hallway. We ran over "Alex!" I said "I'm sorry he's in critical condition we need to get him to a OR right away" They ran him through the doors.
We were all in shock. I sat down on the chair by the window, "Why would Kyle do that?!" I asked

"I dont know Becky, maybe its because he was in love with Maggie" "But im not Maggie" I yelled "Yes you are" Said Adam "Guys stop fighting! We need to call his family" said Jack. "I'll call his brother and farther" Jack took out his phone and called Jonathan, his brother. "Hey JJ you need to get the Naps Hospital, it's Alex he's been hit by a car, and bring your dad" Jack hung up and said "They will be here in about 30 minuets.

Alex's POV
I opened my eyes, every thing was foggy, I didn't know where I was but I figured I was in the hospital. "Alex, can you hear me?" the doctor said, I nodded. "We're bringing you into surgery" he said.

Jonathan's POV
When we got to hospital my dad and I saw Adam,Becky and Jack. "Guys what happened!?" I asked "It's Alex he's been hit by a car" Becky said as hugging me. My dad went over to the desk to find out more information. When he came back he said "He's in surgery he'll be out in a couple of hours."
We decided to sleep there overnight.

When I work up my back was sore, a tear went down my check, I had a dream about Alex, it was a memory about him and I fishing, it was a shitty day, when we were in the middle of the lake it started raining. We had to row back to shore. It was a bad day but it was fun. I looked around and I was the first one awake I looked across the room and it was 6:15am I decided to go for a walk, I went to the vending machine, I got a bag of chips. I started walking down the hallways.

I turned the corner and I saw Alex I rushed over to the window and he was asleep, I asked the nurse and I could go in and spend some time with my brother. She said "Okay" and she let me in the room. I sat down beside him in the chair beside his bed. I looked at him, he looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him. I held his hand. "Come on you little bugger, don't die on me! Im sorry the way I treaded you before I went to college, I didn't mean what I said" I whipped my tears away, I always hated crying it made me feel weak and vulnerable. I felt Alex grab my hand I looked up and his eyes were open "It's okay I forgive you" he said. I got up and ran out the I woke up Adam, Becky and my dad "Guys get up it's Alex he's awake!" we all ran to his room "Alex I'm so glad your okay!" Becky ran over and hugged him, "Guys can I talk to Becky alone for a second"

Alex's POV
"Alex I'm so glad your okay" "Look Becky I don't know how to tell you this but I think we should end things" I saw a tear fall down her face, I felt so bad after all she's been through so much this year.

"Becky it's just Adam is my best friend and Kyle is going through a lot right now and we need to be there for him and we need to help him get better" "it's not our fault he's so fucked up" she said "I know but we need to be there for him and we ca...

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"Becky it's just Adam is my best friend and Kyle is going through a lot right now and we need to be there for him and we need to help him get better" "it's not our fault he's so fucked up" she said "I know but we need to be there for him and we can't do that if we're making out in front of him, you know he had a thing with Maggie" "Fine ok I understand" she ran out the room." Adam, my brother and my dad walked in with the nurse "Alex will be able to go home in a couple of days" she said smiling.

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