Chapter 9: what Happend Many Years Ago

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"Oh I see okay I knew this day would come"
She answered "What do you mean?" I said "Well I have to tell you what happened"

Flashback (graphic)

The day was bright and sunny young Becky woke up in a happy mood with nothing to worry about. as usual her dad was away probably couldn't make it home from his happy place as her mom usually told her. she'd always be home cleaning cooking and looking after her beloved daughter, but never taking time for herself to do anything not even sleep. becky got up to go look for her mommy. "mommy where's daddy?" becky asked. "he's at his happy place, remember?" "oh. mommy why isn't his happy place at home with us?" "i'm not sure honey but i'm sure this is what he would call his favorite place." "this is my favorite place too" Becky giggled after. little becky goes and plays with her barbies then suddenly she hears the front door slammed open. unusually her dad walks into the kitchen. "God damn it () you can't do anything fucking right can you. I fucking hate you! you never do anything right. i hate this house i hate our fucking ungrateful spoiled brat of a daughter. but most of all i hate you" she walks a little closer and she sees her mom with a knife held to her throat and tears streaming down her face. "m-mommy?!" "what the fuck was that?!" "n-nothing dont go near her nor hurt her!" "NO i don't want anyone to witness me finally getting rid of you." "just kill me then leave but please leave her" "fine but first let me make sure she doesn't s-" he looses track as he looks around for her but can't find her so he looks around a bit more then gets back to becky's mom. he slowly slides the silver blade a bit up her arm but not too much that it bleeds a lot. suddenly Becky is walking up to her dad slowly without a peep. her eyes show no emotion her body tense but calm unlike before. She holds a large silver sharp object like her dad. "any last words?" he holds the knife to her neck causing a little bleeding. she screams "no stop becky!!" he turns around but too fast that he falls down on top of her mom with surprise in his eyes but also fear. she stabs his leg causing red blood to get all over. he screams and yells for help. her mom blacks out for second. she gets on top of her dad and stabs him in the gut then the chest. "p-please stop" "do you have any last words daddy? no? i thought so!" she says in a cold voice unlike hers" "w-why, becky? he says in a whisper voice he was sure no one could hear but sadly she heard. the mom wakes up but screams silently. "i'm Maggie" she says as slitting his throat.  becky passes out falling backwards. the mom gets up and washes up then hides the knife takes becky puts her in the car. before that she sets fire to the house using a candle and calls 911 and acts like its a accident. the body never found.

end of flashback

Jacks POV
"Wait so Becky killed someone?" I said
"Well yes and no" her mom said "what do you mean yes and no" I answered "well you see after she killed her dad, she had a split personality" "what so this is why she is acting so weird" I said "but how does any of this have anything to do with Adams disappearing" Alex said "wait Adam?" Becky's mom said "yea he's been missing for about 4 weeks now" I said "hold on a second" Becky's mom ran upstairs and a second latter she came down with a bottle of pills "Fuck!" She said as placing them down on the table "you see theses meds are supposed to keep her split personality inside her, I guess she never took them that means Maggie her control of her body" she said "wait who's Maggie?" Alex said sounding confused "Maggie is her split personality's name, but right now we need to find her" she said "wait why can't we wait till tomorrow?" I said "No! You don't understand Maggie is psychotic, she's crazy! We need to find her now!

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