Chapter 5: The Tapes

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Adams POV
I looked around a bit more in the dark room saw something shiny in the sewage pipe, I quickly pulled it out the gate and and quickly grabbed it, it was my phone! I quickly unlocked up and started texting Jack "SOS I don't know where I am! Help me!" The dark figure quickly came towards me and snatched my phone out of my hands. The figure threw it at the wall and stomped on my phone. It completely shattered and I doubted it would ever be able to work anymore. I started to get a lot of anxiety that I wouldn't get out of this place anytime soon. The figure suddenly disappeared into the darkness, I have no idea where he went i suddenly got goosebumps.

Jacks POV
"Wow it's really beautiful out." I thought to myself as I was putting on my pants, and unplugging my phone. One text message from Adam! "Oh my god!" I quickly opened my phone.It said "SOS I don't know where I am! Help me!" I quickly screenshotted it and sent it to Alex and Becky, I decided it was time to tell Adams parents, they didn't care much about him that's why I was like a dad to him, well more of a cool overprotective big brother. I started to dial his moms number, it went straight to voicemail, then I dialed his dad and after 6 rings he finally answered. "What do you want!?" He said with a raspy voice, He was clearly drunk I thought to myself. " Fred, There's something you should know, Adam went missing and I got a text saying 'SOS help me!'" "Whatever my son got himself into he can get himself out of!"He hung up on me! I was shocked! I knew his parents were bad, but I didn't know they were this cruel!

I'm really good at finding people so I decided I'm going to go to the" Milestones club" , and see if I can look at the security tapes from that night. I quickly put on a shirt and sweater, and texted Alex
"Meet me at place in 20 minutes were going to find out where Adam is!"
"Sure" He replied quickly.

Alex's POV
I arrived at the club I looked around I didn't see Jack he's probably late as usual. I rolled eyes and I walked over to the bar I saw my friend Spencer he's a security guard.
"Hey dude!" I said. "What's up?" he answered. "I was wondering if I could look at some security camera footage?" I said nervously. "Sure, but only for a few minutes I don't want anyone seeing what your doing, by the way why do you wanna see the tapes anyways? "Just wanna see something" I said. Spencer started walking to a room, he told me to follow him, "Hey Alex!" I turned around it was Jack, sorry I'm late dude" "it's okay follow me" We followed spencer into a hallway "The hallways lights were flickering" I thought to myself. "It's the door on the right, I'll give you 5 minutes" Spencer said "Thanks" Jack said, as we both walked into the room.
We saw a bunch of little screens on the wall, there was a computer on a desk and a bean bag chair in the corner. "Jack sat down in the chair" I stood behind him and watched as he pulled up the security tapes from that night. "Jack was really good with computers" I thought to myself "There!" He said a pointing to the file. He clicked on it, and there was Adam clearly drunk at the bar "Where are you Jack?" I said "I wasn't in my right mind at the time" he answered. We watched Adam take more more Jell-O shots then we saw someone slip something into Adams drink. "What the fuck!" I said sounding scared and pissed off. We couldn't see the face the person was tall though like Adam was. Jack skipped ahead and switched to the parking lot camera we saw Adam yelling into the phone "Oh my god, Adam was trying to call me" I said sounding guilty. All of a sudden we saw a car pull up it was a black suv, 1 person came out and knocked Adam in the head and put him on the trunk! He was drunk and drugged out so he could've put up a fight. Spencer came in the room and Jack quickly closed the computer window. "Did you find what you were looking for?" Spencer said, "Yes we did" I said as walking as we both walked out the room, "Thanks man" Jack said "Anytime" spencer replied. We both walked out the club and gave each other a worried look. "Don't worry when you weren't looking I copied the file and put it on my memory stick" Jack said as showing me his memory stick. "We can fill Becky in on what's happening tomorrow okay" "Okay, I'll see you at your place tomorrow at 12:30" I said as calling on Uber.

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