Chapter 10: Antipsychotic

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Becky's mom POV (Anna)
"When becky first showed symptoms of split personality disorder, I decided to put a tracking device inside her head, just in case I needed to find her" I said "That's kinda weird" Alex said smiling. "Whatever follow me" as I got up off the couch and walked across the room with Alex and Jack following behind me. I opened a door and Jack and Alex walked in. "So is that the computer, to where we can track Becky?" Jack said
"Indeed it is" I sat down on the chair and turned on the computer, and put in my password it was 23 numbers.

There was a little icon of a arrow on the tool bar I clicked on it, a window popped up it was a satellite view with a blinking red dot.
"There! That's where Bec- Maggie is." "Wait zoom in" Jack said. "I clicked the plus button 3 times, what is it Jack?"
"It's the old house that Adams grandmother used to live, it was abandoned when she died." Jack said sounding worried
"Well why would Maggie be there?" I said
"I have no idea". I took a picture of the address with my phone, I turned off the computer and we all got up, closed the door and I grabbed my car keys from the living room table, and my purse.

Jack and Alex were waiting for me outside, I grabbed my sweater and closed the front door, I locked it and walked up to my car and unlocked it, the car make a beep noise as I opened the door. I put in the address in the cars GPS. "How long will it take to get there?" I said "Around 15-20 minuets" Jack said. We drove off.

Jacks POV
I woke up to the sound of gravel, "Were here" Anna said and turning around in her seat.
"So how are we gonna do thing?" Said Alex.
"Do we even know if she's alone?" I said "I don't know, I guess we'll find out soon" Anna said as unbuckling her seatbelt. We all got out, Anna locked the car doors. I looked around, "Wow! this place is run-down, why the hell would Bec- Maggie be here?"
I don't know I said.

We all walked up to the front door, the door was wooden and old I reached for the door nob. It was unlocked, follow me I know I know this place because Adam and I used to play here all the time when we were kids. Alex walked over to the kitchen
"What the hell are you doing?!" Anna said looking at Alex. "I don't know about you but I'm starving!" Alex replied. Alex walked into the kitchen. "This place was abandoned years ago so I doubt there's any food." I said "Wanna bet?" He said as opening fridge door. Anna and I ran over, "What-the I don't understand" I said. The fridge was full of food.
Alex grabbed a slice of pizza from the fridge, he walked over and grabbed a plate. Bang! Alex tripped. "Oh my god what the fuck!" Alex said as looking at the open trap door on the floor. "I think we know where Maggie is." Said Anna.

"Shouldn't we call the police or something?" I said "No, at least not yet. She said, Alex got up and dusted him self off and started walking down the rustic stairs "Come on" he said at the bottom of the stairs. "I swear to god Alex if you get us killed!" I said. "Woah! I completely forgot about these tunnels" I said as looking around. We started walking and we heard footsteps
"Quickly in here" we all hid in a closet. We heard footsteps walking down the long hallway. They stopped,
"What should we do with him?" A voice said I cracked open the door a tiny bit, it made a squeaking noise but the person didn't hear it.
"What do you see?" Anna whispered "shh" I answered.
"Can't we just keep him here?" A mans voice said. "Maybe we'll see,you said you always wanted friends, well this is way you can." "I know but he's my brother" the man said. It was hard for me to see, I opened the door a little bit more. "Oh my god! it- it's" All of a sudden the door opened and we all fell to the floor. Maggie and Kyle were startled, they walked over to us, "Hello mommy dearest, it's been a while"

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