Chapter7: Two Hearts In One

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Becky's POV

I walk to my car and pull out my car keys to unlock the car, I open the car door I get in. I pull out my phone and dialed a number, "Hello my love how are you? I'll see you see you soon" I said "I'm fine and I'll see you later" the voice replied. "okay bye love you" "I'm gonna go check our guest bye love you too"

I tossed my phone on the seat beside me and put my keys in the car, and started to dive off. I drove for about 30 minutes and I eventually ended up on a gravel road filled with trees. After a couple of minutes I stopped and parked at a rundown mansion the time of the day made it seem more eerie than it already is at a normal time of day.

I walk up to the house and open the door and it creaks. The house is quite big. I walk to the kitchen and looked around it was so dusty "I'm gonna clean this place up tonight" I thought to myself as I pulled up a dirty rug and I opened a trap door. There were stairs going down to the old tunnels under the house, I knew he would be down there. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I had to think, after all it has been a while since I've been down here. I vaguely remember the rooms being to the left of the bottom of the stairs I started walking down the tunnel, the air smelled like dirt and the lights were flickering it gave me the chills.

I saw a door open and there he was, Kyle I ran over to him and hugged him, Its been awhile he said as hugging me."Yes it has, now hows our guest doing?" "Hes sleeping" Kyle said "Well let's go welcome him" We walked into another room there was a body curled up in a ball in the corner on the room. I opened the room and walked in "Hello Adam" I said, he turned around slowly "Becky what the fuck is going on!?" Adam said "Oh calm down Adam" I said as walking over to him "And by the way my names not Becky, it's Maggie, Becky is my split personality."

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