Chapter:12 Brother Knows Best

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Adams POV

"Nice house" Kyle said as looking around his room, "Yea it's okay I guess" "Umm Kyle I was thinking today we could go down to the station and you can tell them what happened"
"I don't know if I can do that" "It's okay, I promise we'll go after lunch Okay?" "Okay" he said.

Alex's POV
Knock knock knock, the door opened "Hi Alex, are you here to see Becky?" Anna said. "Yea is she-she?" "Yes when the police got her they gave her, her meds, she's upstairs you can go see her" "Okay thank's" I said as taking off my shoes and walking upstairs. I walked down the hallway and turned the corner, there she was Becky sitting on her bed looking out the window.
"Becky?" She turned around "Alex!?" She said as running towards me and hugged me "Omg Alex I'm so so so sorry my mom told me what happened" "Becky it's okay it wasn't you, your nice and kind" She stepped away "Is Adam Okay?" She asked "He's going through a lot, you know with his brother" "I know I just feel so bad" "Everything will be okay"

Adams POV
I was in the kitchen because Kyle wanted a glass of water, suddenly I heard the door open. I put down the water and quickly but quietly ran to the other room near the door. There was a person in a hoodie about to walk upstairs where Kyle was. I rushed around the corner and grabbed the person and pushed them up against wall "what the fuck dude it's just me it's Jack!" "Dude what the fuck are you doing sneaking into my house like that?" Kyle rushed to the stairs, to see Adam Jack at the bottom of the stairs "What the hell happened?" He said.

"Nothing it's okay" I said "Okay?! Why the hell Is Kyle here!?" "It's okay Jack he's not gonna hurt me or you, he's sorry for what he did he's just lonely" "Ha when I'm lonely I watch Netflix, you don't kidnap your fucking brother" Jack yelled.
"It's okay Jack I'm sorry, and after lunch Adam and I are going to the police station to explain everything."

After Lunch.

Kyles POV
We walked up to the police station "Hey you can do this" said Adam "Yea I know" when I got inside it was pretty busy I could hear the instant chatter and police scanners, then a man waved at us "Adam, Kyle? over here" we walked over to the cop I could see his gun on belt which made me nervous, "Kyle why don't you sit down" the man said. "So Kyle we looked into your medical records and as it turns out your bipolar, and no you won't be going to prison, but you do have to do some community service. Does that sound fair?" The cop said "Yes it does" "Okay your free to go, your community service will start in 2 weeks. Have a nice day" "You too."

Becky's POV
I decided it was a long time since the gang has ever spent time as a group, so I texted Alex and Adam asking if they wanted to come over for pizza and movie night. A couple of minutes later I felt my phone buzz it was a message from Alex and Adam "Ya sure" Alex said "Ya see u there" Adam said too.
Four hours later
I decided to order some pizza, so when Alex and Adam got here the pizza would be here. I ordered one large cheese pizza and one large pepperoni pizza and one pizza with sauce and mean NO cheese, Adams favourite I've always thought it was weird but that's what he likes. I walked over to the kitchen and over the door to the pantry and pulled out a popcorn bag, I opened the microwave door and put it in I set it for 4 minuets and 30 seconds. I heard a knock at the door I ran over in excitement and opened the door it was Alex, Jack, Kyle and Adam. "Hey babe" Kyle said as hugging me, I backed away "Ummm Kyle you know your dating Maggie not Becky right?" I said. "But you are Maggie... Kinda" he said as taking off his shoes. "Eh it's hard to explain" "Hey Kyle why don't you help me pick out a movie?" Adam said trying to change the subject. "Sure" he said as walking over to the tv.
I heard the door bell ring it was the pizza. "Hello" the woman said as handing me the pizzas. "That will be $38.39" she said, I payed her and went inside, something about her seemed familiar but I shrugged it off and put the pizza on the table by the couch.
"Hey Kyle did you pick a movie?" I said
"Haha yea I was thinking about the movie split?" He said breaking out laughing Alex and Adam and Jack started laughing too!
"Oh haha I get it cuz I have a split personality too! Oh how funny" I said
"Hmmm how about the movie, Death Note?" Alex said trying to be edgy, "Oh yea I saw the trailer for that it looks good!" Adam said as getting up to get the popcorn out or the microwave.
I turned on the TV and we all sat on the couch and started watching the movie. I knew  everything would be okay after all I thought to myself.

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