Chapter 2: Blur

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I don't remember writing this note I thought to myself, so I shrugged it off and I walked over to my nightstand to grab my phone. I had 4 missed calls from my friend Adam, and 2 text messages it read "WHERE ARE YOU!??" and "Your supposed to pick me up" and then it hit me! OMG I was supposed to pick up Adam at 1 at the club! I completely forgot, I quickly opened my phone and called him it rang 6 times before I got his answering machine "Hi! this is Adam unfortunately I can't come to the phone right now so leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible" "Adam" I said sounding worried "are you okay? I was supposed to pick you up and I completely forgot! Please call me back when you get this!" I hung up "he's probably just sleeping" I thought to myself as I put my phone in my pocket, I opened my blinds and I saw a beautiful sunrise.

I started walking to the kitchen so I can make something to eat, I opened my fridge and all there was, was some apples, some leftover chicken from the night before and some milk and cheese, so I grabbed the leftover chicken "what a healthy breakfast I thought to myself" I grabbed my laptop and opened google Chrome I went to Facebook so see if there any pictures of Adam from last night, sure enough there was, there were pictures of him at a club with Jack and they were clearly drunk, I looked at the time and it read 6:05 "Omg!" I said putting the chicken away in the fridge "I'm supposed to go to my friend Becky's house to study for our exam!" I thought to myself running to the door and grabbing my keys and my bag and closing the door behind me.
And ran over to the elevator in my apartment and pushed the down button, the elevator in my apartment is really slow it stops at every damn floor! I stepped in the elevator and there was Kate she was the elderly woman a floor above me, she was really nice, and we our hellos and I pushed the Ground Button, as the elevator doors closed Kate said "I haven't seen you around lately" "yea, I've been busy" I said as getting off the elevator "have a good day" she said as the elevator doors closed I stepped out and closed the entrance doors to the apartment.

I started walking down the sidewalk I check my phone and opened my bus application the bus is coming in 2 minutes it said I called Becky, it rang twice before she answered "hey, are you on your way?" She said "yes! I see the bus now" I answered "okay see you soon" she said. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my bus pass, as the bus pulled up, I got in the bus I showed the driver my pass and I sat down on a seat by the window I could barely see out the window, it was so dirty, I looked around the bus and there was only 4 people, a pregnant lady, and man in a suit and two teenagers, "the bus isn't that busy" I thought to myself pulling my phone out of pocket I unlocked it and opened the game "Minecraft" Adam and I loved to play minecraft together, I always beat him on pvp, the bus made a screeching as it came to a stop, "Thank you" I said as getting off the bus, I could see Kate's house down the street, I started walking down the street, "the sun was up and it was beautiful" I thought to myself as I was walking up Becky's walkway, I looked up and I saw Becky looking out her window, she smiled at me and waved, then I rang the doorbell and she quickly answered it,"Hey! I've missed you! Come on in she said I closed the door behind me and i took off my shoes off, all of a sudden I heard little feet running at me, I looked around and I didn't see anything then something started jumping on me, it was jasper! Becky's dog, I completely forgot about Jasper! I picked him up and he started licking me, I walked over and put him on the couch and Becky and I walked upstairs. She had wall to wall carpeting and i love homes that have them because it's cozy. As we got to her bedroom I jumped on her bed and pulled my laptop out of my bag, she sat next to me "Alex?" She said worried, "Yes" I said sounding kind, "when was the last time you talked to Adam?" she said "last night when I dropped him off at his cousins" I said, "Ok it's just Adam and I were supposed to FaceTime this morning and he never called" "Huh that's weird he hasn't messaged me since last night, and he sounded weird." At this point we were starting to panic because all 3 of us are very close and it's odd that Adam hasn't messaged us back by now. "Maybe we should visit his cousin tomorrow" Becky said "Good idea". I said. "Now let's study now we need to get our work done"

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