Part 27

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I swallowed harshly as the door was pulled open, Negan's familiar scent filling the air as a chill ran up my spine, "Shit.. I really thought you were a goner, darling," he chuckled, his stare glancing over me, "Looks like Dr. Carson gets to live another day."

I stayed quiet, my eyes avoiding his as an odd wave fear continued to course through my weakened body-- afraid of being in such a vulnerable state in front of someone who fed off of exactly that.

"Dwight," Negan continued, placing his hand on my back as he ushered me into the room, "Treat the Doc to a good dinner tonight-- a feast, whatever he wants."

Dwight gave him a nod, pulling the door closed behind himself as he left, leaving me alone with someone who seemed so familiar, yet like a total stranger.

Without saying a word, he pulled a knife out of his pocket, my heart speeding at the sight, before swiftly cutting through the zip tie around my wrists, "Sit." He said lowly, gesturing to the bed.

I reluctantly followed his instructions, trying to play some type of part, but my weakened frame was secretly so thankful to not have to hold me up any longer.

"I thought we had a deal, Elizabeth-- I thought I had your word that you weren't going to pull anymore shit." Negan brought up, grabbing a metal chair before loudly setting it in front of where I sat, causing me to shutter at the unexpected noise, "Whatever happened to that deal?" He asked as we now sat face to face, my eyes still refusing to meet his.
He let out a long sigh, sitting back, "You really can't even look at me?"

I swallowed harshly, my eyes slowly finding his, "You don't deserve it." I breathed quietly.

"I don't deserve it?" He questioned, "I know one of my men went rogue on you, darling, but do you not remember coming after me, guns blazing, right before you met the earth? Right before me and my people saved your ass."

I shook my head lightly, "You should've left me there-"

"And why would I do that?" He stopped me, "The Saviors save people-- I've been trying to save your shit group from the beginning but your prick of a leader wants to see you all die first-"

"He-" I stopped myself, shaking my head, "I was serious when I said I'd come back with you," I breathed, pain and desperation lacing my tone as I pleaded for some type of end, "I can stay here and this can all go away-- it can, because if this doesn't stop now, it's never going to and more people are going to die-- innocent people are going to die on both sides and it's not worth it."

"You know I can't do that-"

"You can--" I cut him off again, nodding as I pushed myself forward on the bed, grabbing his hand as suspicion played on his face from the action, "And I can stay here and this can all stop.. no one else has to die."

His eyes scanned my face as a small smile appeared, his hand squeezing my own, "Tell me, darling," his voice rasped, "Did you cheat on me while you were gone?"

My face went blank for a moment, completely caught off guard by his question, before I shook my head, "No," I breathed, the lie struggling to come out, "I uh-" I paused momentarily, shaking my head again as I tried to get Daryl out of my mind, "There's nothing there anymore-- with him."

"Yeah," Negan smirked, satisfaction drenching him, "I kind of figured."

I took a quick breath, each second I spent thinking about the people I cared for causing my heart to ache more and more, "What can I do to make it all stop?" I asked, desperate for the beginning of some sort of resolution, "I can't keep watching people die, Negan-- I can't take it anymore."

"Well darling, that's not really my choice," he began to explain, "I don't want to kill your people-- I never have, but they keep forcing my hand and lessons have to be learned whether you like it or not." He continued, my stare drifting to the floor as the sickening feeling of defeat weighed heavy on my heart, feeling like there was really no way out of this, "But I'll tell you what," Negan smirked, squeezing my hand as my stare met his again, "After the shit your people pulled, I've decided to pay them a little visit again-"

"No.." I muttered over him, shaking my head.

"And if you can get prick to give in-- to take whatever deal I throw at him, shit or not, and finally stop getting all those good, hardworking people of his killed," he continued, leaning in, "I'll let him live-- hell, maybe I'll even let Daryl live," he smirked again as I felt a tear cascaded down my cheek, "That is.. if you still want him to live."

I pulled my hand away, quickly wiping my cheek as I tried to regroup, "What if I can't?" I asked, "What if Rick won't listen-- what then?"

"Then Lucille gets her way."

Liz is trying to play her part..

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