Part 21

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It felt weird to me-- all of it. Just looking around at the people who ended up shaping me more than I thought possible, maybe for the last time. I wish I had the chance to thank each of them individually for making me feel like I was important-- like I was needed in the group, but I knew that wasn't possible.

"Liz?" Carl's voice rang from behind me, pulling me out of deep thought, "You ok?"

I nodded lightly, a small smile appearing on my face, "Just waiting for this chapter to finally close." I breathed, trying to allow myself to be at peace with whatever the final outcome is.

Carl returned a smile, a rifle hung over both of our shoulders as everyone began getting into place, "Things will be different after all of this-- better."

"I know it'll be," I nodded again, looking around at all the people, familiar and unfamiliar, "Years from now the Saviors will just be a ghost story you'll be able to tell to Judith and Maggie and Glenn's baby."

"Maybe you and Daryl will have a baby by then too." Carl added, the statement seeming like more of a question.

I let out a slight chuckle, covering the heart ache that the thought caused as I shook my head, knowing that then wouldn't exist for Daryl and I, "I don't think so."

"Hey, anythings possible." Carl shrugged, nudging me lightly, and I guess he was right. Everything that the world has now become is proof that anything is possible, but yet, what I wanted so badly still seemed just out of reach.

"You're gonna lead this place one day, Carl." I breathed, lightly shaking my head as the thought of a future without the Saviors-- without Negan, filled my mind, "Alexandria's going to be around for a long time after this, and one day it's gonna be yours-- all of it."

"You really think my dad's gonna give it up that easily?" He joked, glancing over to me as a smiled pulled on the corners of my mouth.

"Anything's possible." I said sarcastically, repeating what he had said to me as lighthearted laughs continued to fill the space between us.


I thought on a day like today, when I was so determined to do what needed to be done, that I wouldn't feel the emotions that had haunted me all this time before, but yet, I was struggling to keep my composure. The thought of a life in Alexandria after Negan and the Savior was like a dream dangling right in front of me-- so close that if I really tried hard enough, I'd just be able to grab it, only to have that dream turn into smoke.. disappearing before my very eyes as reality sets back in.
I do think that there's the slightest possibility that Daryl and I could have a future together, but I'm not one to gamble the lives of others, especially when the odds are at a record breaking low.
At then end of it all, Daryl and I just weren't meant to last forever, but maybe one day we'll meet again in another life, hopefully in a different time, on another planet.

But, as if on queue, his once comforting voice filled my ears again, only now it left me with a sick feeling in my stomach.

I furrowed my brows as I stared at the object he held out to me, very few words being spoken between us before my eyes widened.

I shook my head lightly, "It jams.." I breathed, confusion in my voice as I looked at the familiar gun he held in his hand, "Abraham said there wasn't any hope for it."

"I had him work on it for ya," Daryl murmured lowly as I slowly grabbed ahold of the handgun that held so many memories, "Before everythin'."

I held the cold metal in my hand, everything about it feeling so.. normal; the weight, the dents and scratches, the grip.. it almost felt wrong to have it back.

"Why?" I asked, not understanding the significance of the gun to Daryl.

"I don't know," He mumbled, shrugging lightly, "'Cause it's yours."

I felt speechless as I tried to find a way to convey how much the gesture meant to me-- even if the gun would've never gotten fixed, the thought behind it held something that I couldn't even begin to comprehend, let alone thank him for, especially with what I knew the future held.

I stepped forward toward Daryl, his stare staying stuck to the ground, before connecting our lips in what only one of us would know to be meant as a final goodbye.
The bittersweet feeling stung at my lips as I pulled away, my free hand pushing the hair out of his face as our eyes longingly locked.

"Thank you." I breathed, not only thanking him for the gun that held so many memories, good and bad, but for being everything I could've ever wanted-- everything I needed.

At this point, I couldn't imagine how I would've made it this far without him, and the thought of doing just that after all of this.. is terrifying.

Sorry for the wait

Also, thank you to those of you who helped find a scene I was looking for. Sadly, the time lines didn't match up the way I wanted, but I was still able to do what I had planned, just a little differently

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