Part 3

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"I invite you all to sup with us," The King said after Rick had finished proposing his plan, "And stay till the morrow."

"Yeah, we need to get back home." Rick responded, just wanting to get an answer.

"I shall deliver my decree in the morn." King Ezekiel simply stated, banging his staff on the stage and signaling that the discussion was over.


"So that it?" Daryl grumbled as we made it out of the building, "Now we gotta wait another day to see what some King says?"

"It's better than just being told no." Tara shrugged.

"Dragging out the process doesn't make it any better though," I folded my arms, "Its pretty clear he's not the fighting type."

"Let's just do what he says, wait till tomorrow, and see what happens." Rick suggested, "Can you all do that?"

Each of us nodded and agreed as a whole, not really having much of a choice.

"I'll show you all to the guest rooms." Richard said as he came out of the building, gesturing us to follow behind him, "How many do you think you'll need?"

"Not many," Rick said, looking around at the group that followed him, "We like to stay close."


"So, was Negan the one that cut you?" I asked Rosita as we looked through one of the rooms we were given.

"No," she scoffed, "He had one of his soldiers do it after I tried giving him what he deserved."

I sighed, "Why'd that all happen? What started it all?"

She leaned back against the wall, folding her arms, "Spencer tried getting on his good side and that walking piece of shit didn't like that, so he stabbed him in the stomach and let his guts spill onto the streets." She explained with a straight face, anger strewn throughout her voice, "All I had was one bullet that Eugene made me.. and I missed."

"But.. what about-"

"After I was thrown to the ground, he order one of his soldiers to kill someone because he didn't believe that I made the bullet; that's how Olivia died." She cut me off, continuing to explain, "And then he took Eugene and left."

I shook my head as I leaned in back against the wall behind me, letting out a long sigh, "I'm sorry." I breathed, looking back over at her.

"For what?"

I shrugged, "Not being able to stop him."

She stepped closer to me, looking into my eyes, "He's a monster, Liz, and the only way to stop someone like him, is to kill him."

I nodded, "I know, it's just-"

I stopped as the door opened, Daryl standing on the other side, "Rosita, Rick wants to talk to ya."

She nodded before looking back at me, briefly laying a hand on my shoulder, "Well talk more later."

I nodded back, looking up at Daryl as she left, his eyes refusing to make contact with mine as the feeling between us remained tense.

"I'm sorry about Carol." I said softly, knowing that her whereabouts were wearing on him.

He shrugged, moving one of the books that was laid on the dresser, "She can make it."

"I know," I nodded, "I just know you really wanted to see her-"

"Well she ain't here, so can ya drop it?" He snapped.

My breath hitched as his sudden change of tone, catching me off guard, before nodding, "Yeah," I breathed lowly, "Won't bring it up again."

"I ain't mean it like that, Liz-"

"I know," I stopped him, pushing past his frame and out the door, "It doesn't matter."


I knocked on the door of another room we were given before slowly pushing it open and peeking through, "Hey," I smiled at Carl, "Mind if I crash in here tonight?"

He shrugged, tossing a ball between his hands, "You'll have to fight Tara for the other bed."

I walked in, leaning the door closed behind me as I eyed the empty bed, "Ehh, I think I can take her." I joked.

He laughed, smirking, "I'm gonna tell her you said that."

I smiled at the banter going on between us, just like it used to before Negan and the Saviors came into the picture.
Carl was like the brother I never had but always wanted, and even though he was years younger than me, he almost felt like an older brother.

"I never got to apologize for what happened when I came back to Alexandria-"

"I know why you did it," he shook his head, cutting me off, "I just didn't want him to take you away from us again-- I wanted to protect you."

I sighed, walking over to the bed and sitting down beside him, "You can't take him on by yourself-- none of us can."

He stayed silent, staring at the ball that now rested in his hands, "I could've done it-- I had the shot-"

"And if you would have, you'd be dead as well, Carl." I stopped him, "I can't take losing another person to him.. especially you."

He nodded slowly looking over at me, "Do you think we'll win?"

"If we get enough people, maybe." I shrugged, "But he has soldiers and more guns than any of us could even imagine.. he has the upper hand and he knows it."

He sighed, "Well, what if he comes looking for you and Daryl? What are we supposed to do then?"

I shook my head before looking back over at him, "Whatever we have to."

Really wanted to put some Liz and Carl moments in here so you could get more of a feel of their relationship.

Also, there seems to be a little trouble in paradise in regards to Daryl and Liz.. how do you think that'll turn out?

I'd love to hear your opinions and predictions!

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