Part 24

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I hid behind a car as my shaky hands pulled out the clip to my rifle, checking the small amount of bullets I had left before exhaustedly snapping it back in.
It's hard to say whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, but each bullet that left my gun reminded me of the first time I pulled the trigger to end a life-- the life of someone who was the vision of a new world, but never got the chance to prove it to anyone but me.
Thinking back to when it happened, I couldn't imagine a world without him in it.. and now I can't imagine him being stuck in a hell like this. It just goes to prove that everything happens for a reason, and if today is the end for me, I know there will be a good reason behind all of it.

I momentarily closed my eyes as I tried to steady my breathing, drowning out the sound of all the gunfire, before they quickly opened again as a familiar voice spoke in the distance.

"Carl.. it is over," Negan chuckled, "Why don't you point your one ball up the street there and take it all in?"

I quickly grabbed my gun, pushing myself up before a scream in the distance stopped me in my tracks as my stomach immediately turned, "No.." I breathed, sinking back down on my knees as I looked up to the building it came from.
I racked my brain trying to disprove every terrible thought that came to mind as the bloodcurdling shriek replayed over and over again, leaving me breathless in a sea of hell.

"Well, Rick.. you chose this." Negan continued in the distance as I exhaustedly picked up my head, "I truly don't know what more I could've done to warn you, and this isn't a warning-- this is punishment." He breathed, my heart beginning to speed again as I fumbled for my gun, not knowing what would happen next but knowing I needed to wait for the right moment if I was going to do something, "I'm gonna kill Carl now-- I'm gonna make it one nice, hard swing and try to do it in one go because I like him." Negan continued, his words making me feel numb as I tightly covered my mouth to stop any emotion from escaping, "I just want you to put that in you brain and roll it around for a minute.. I'm gonna kill Carl and then Lucille here, she's gonna take your hands."

"You can do it right in front of me-- you can take my hands." Rick mumbled, barely loud enough for me to hear, "I told you already-- I'm gonna kill you.. all of you." He reminded of the threat he had made when this had all started, "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow.. but nothing is gonna change that-- nothing."

Silence filled the air as I so desperately wanted to peek over the vehicle I stayed crouched behind-- needing to know what was happening so I could do what I knew had to be done. But as the seconds continued to fly by without a single hint of what was to come next, I knew this may be my only chance.

"Wait- wait!" I called, coming from behind the makeshift barricade as I held my hands in surrender, my rifle hanging loosely over one shoulder.

"Ohho," Negan chuckled, turning around to see me as multiple guns were immediately aimed in my direction, "Nice of you to come see the show!"

I shook my head, swallowing harshly as the image in front of me sent emotion coursing through my body as it began to well up at the back of my throat, "No, you don't- you don't have to kill him, Negan-- you don't-"

"Oh, I think I do, darling," he smirked, "And we both know why-"

"You don't--" I repeated, shaking my head again, "Carl can live and I can come back to the Sanctuary with you and no one else has to die, ok?" I desperately tried bargaining, "It doesn't have to happen like this!"

"You have never been more wrong, Elizabeth," Negan shook his head, walking behind where Rick and Carl kneeled in the grass, "This is exactly how it has to happen."

"No, no, no- please.." I begged as he tossed Carl's hat off his head, "Not him, I'll- I'll do anything-"

"That won't work this time." Negan stopped me, "No, you're gonna stand right there and watch Carl get his skull bashed in with the rest of us, and if you try anything.." he trailed off, looking over to his men before back at me, "Shoot her."

Tears blurred my vision, watching Negan's grip tighten on Lucille as I mindlessly shook my head, feeling distraught and wondering if this would be the moment where I gave up everything.

"You said I could do it, Rick-" Negan's voice rasped as he raised the barbwire covered bat in sync with when I reached for my gun, before all hell broke loose.

An earth shattering growl filled the air as Shiva went after one of the Saviors, leaving everyone stunned and in a fit of panic as bullets rang out.

In an instant, searing pain shot through my body sending me backward as I hit the ground, gasping for air that seemed to refuse to enter my lungs.

This wasn't how it was supposed to end.

If the beginning confused you at all, I highly recommend you read Trust Me which is the prequel to this entire series, but basically who Liz is referring to is a friend who she was in a group with, before coming to Alexandria, who was bit and had to be put down by her.

Other than that 😬😬😬

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