With my business accomplished and hands washed, I noticed that the toilet paper roll was practically empty and there wasn't another one in sight. I would not be that person. After a few timid glances around the toilet and in the cabinet above, I found nothing. Then my hands grasped the doors to the cabinet under the sink and tugged. They stuck for a second before popping out and producing a handgun hung against the inside of the door.

It made me jump, but it wasn't the first time I'd ever seen a gun. He was single and mostly kept to himself so it wasn't that unusual, right? Maybe it was unnecessary since he was a weapon himself, but not really unusual. Beyond that distraction, the cabinet was nearly empty save for a few bottles of oil and different types of cleaners. He probably would take a keen interest in cleaning with all the blood stains that he's had to deal with over the years. Unfortunately, there was no extra roll of toilet paper in sight.

After my toga of sorts was reaffixed to me, I strolled out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. No one was there though. The lights were on, but Ian was gone.

Looking back into the apartment, I didn't hear or see him anywhere. He had better reappear soon because I did not think he was capable of a fuck and run, especially when it was at his own place. We needed to sort a few things out and I meant more than just the logistics of our relationship. Would I get sick if he drank my blood too much? Like not a normal type of sickness? I'm sure I wasn't his first, but was he clean? Could I catch something from him?

"Damn, damn, damn. This is why, Nicole, you don't do unplanned one nightstands with someone who's practically a stranger." I walked into the bedroom and began searching for my clothes. I couldn't believe I'd even fallen for it. I wasn't that person or I hadn't been that person. Had he made me that person? I mean I did rely on him for a lot emotionally right now and I still knew only a handful of things about him. I didn't even know what kind of sales he was involved in.

Digging through the strewn clothing and bedding only helped me find my bra, shorts, and shirt.

"You have got to be kidding me," I whispered, afraid that Ian was going to pop up any second and gloat about how he made my underwear disappear. I groaned, dragging my hand across my face, and exhaled exasperatedly.

There was little choice left to me so I quickly dressed myself in what I had and began looking around the room for my rogue undies. It was hard to ignore the wall of murder and disappearances now that I wasn't lost in a haze of lust and stupidity. This was so irresponsible.

Emily was going to ring my neck. Especially if she thought we did it again after I'd claimed it was a mistake the first time.

"Crap. Crap! Where are you?" I whisper-shouted at my underwear, wherever it was hiding.

Only now did I notice the window was blocked with both a heavy blackout curtain and a wardrobe. I bent down and crawled around on my knees, searching frantically under the wardrobe and beneath the bed with a hand.

My knuckles smacked something hard under the bed and I retracted my hand to coddle it.

"Ouch, what the hell?" I cursed, shaking my hand out to brush off the dull ache emanating from my hand. With both hands on the floor for balance now, I peered into the darkness beneath the bed. There was a large black lump that stood out from the rest. Reaching in, I grasped a corner of it and pulled.

It was another instrument case. This one was thinner and squared and there was a lock on the from of it. Why would he lock an instrument case and what would fit in such a thin one?It was an instrument case, wasn't it?

Shoving it back under the bed, I glanced around to make sure he wasn't sneaking up on me again.

I mean he's been alive and seemingly alone for decades, maybe he's a one-man band... and learned some unusual skills like sneaking out of places while the door remains locked. Or does it remain locked the whole time?

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