Ch 31 - Storm

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Battle up. It's time for Operation KFAA. Kicking Fallen Angel Ass. You ready and prepared to do this peacefully or is something on your mind? Sirzechs and Lord Michael may be present but they will need you to stand your ground. Time for a good fight.



You had your game face on. Prepared for whatever was going to be thrown at you. You were now a husband. No way you could let your Master, House, or wife down. Eyes glaring as you followed the team to the Fallen Angel spot they were hiding at. They were gathering in numbers like bees in a hive. All Devils and Angels communicating on different sides by a church. You were with Sirzechs and Rias as the whole House was Team One. Sitri Team Two. Lord Michael and Irina part of Team Three.

I can't use it just yet. < Rias how's it look? >

< Good (FN). Remember. Focus. Irina can handle her own. >

< Roger. Now please give me the order soon. I'm dying over here. >

I was edgy because of the invasion. Except this was the biggest church not just in town but in a hundred mile radius. I knew the numbers starting out would be fifty. These were going to be the best of the best mostly. Sirzechs and Grayfia handling any upper levels. But waking up that morning was so many mixed emotions.

// You over to see Irina waking up almost the same time as you. Smiling as she kissed your neck. "Morning. I love you. Let's win today."



She wanted is to win together. Just so we can have some piece. No more Fallen Angel madness. I've had plenty throughout the years. It was time to get even. For my parents, my wife, and everything I stood for. But yet, I was worried mostly about me. Because my mind wasn't clear.

Team One was right outside the side door to the church as it was slightly open. Rias was giving the ordered to bring their defenses down. A blast on the inside for battle to strike.

< Akeno standby. Standby... blast. >

Akeno used an insane lightning strike to hit the inside the church. Like lightning in a high caliber sniper shot. It was so strong it turned two enemies into feathers. "Sweeping down the aisle. Let's go."

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Called a Fallen Angel.

< Let's move. Stay safe and out of the other team's ways. > Ordered Rias.

I'll save my strength and ability. C'mon schmucks. You wave your sword. "Way out numbered. Oh well." Scanning the battlefield you wanted to be away from your teammates. Allow them to have space. Since Gasper and Asia were at Rias's side it made more room for you, Kiba, and Koneko on the front line. It was time. You didn't care who had anything to do with your parents or any allie. Any Fallen Angel the less the words the better. None preferable. See it. One. Two more so three. Not a slasher type but have to make due. After visualising your targets you sprint. "Ha!"

"Honey behind!" Called Irina.

Bitch! You duck. That was too close. A spear would have connected with your upper back. "Try me." You lunge into him. Black feathers clean up in isle Gaius. "Thanks." You wink.

Kiba leaped back and landed a few feet away from you. "Nice. Stand your ground. Remember. Promote to Queen towards the end or you'll run out of gas."

You nod. "Noted Senpai Kiba. Chow." You lunge right. Then stab your target three more times with the quickness of your blade. Vital organs to be secure. "Bye."

Kiba went back to back with you as more enemies appeared. The bigger pieces could handle all of them. "About a hundred of them." He grunted.

"Might be a challenge if one more showed up." You smirk.

"That mean you're fighting too?" He asked with sarcasm of course.

"Gotta get pampered first. You creating an earthquake again?"

"Take her." He held the Holy Eraser out.


"No time to argue. Shut up and deal."

"Dually. Ayyyye. Ready?"

"Balls to the wall man. Use her well." Kiba summoned another sword to his hand. "On my go. 1..."


"IRINA!" You knew that scream from anywhere. That was your wife. Somehow your wife was in trouble. "Kiba let me take point."

He nodded. "On you."

"Ready? 1. 2. Go!" Still too early to use the promotion. But with an extra tool it just bought you more time. Both arms in motion at all times. Not like a mad man it with precision. Not one strike wasted on being stupid with either weapon. < Asia check on her if possible. >

< Momentarily. >

Pay. Night bastards. Some didn't stand a chance. With all their friends next to each other side by side you would have to be a real idiot to miss anyone. It was soon a forest of black feathers. With Rias and Lord Michael carrying orders and attacks from a distance they were simply no match. Akeno from the up above with her lightning and soon only the top few were left. Starting to get fatigued. No man could swing swords with both arms for a whole miniature war.

< Fall back. Check on Irina. > Ordered Rias.

< Roger Rias. > You jump back and fall back to Rias. Then with her and Sitri covering your end you made it over to Team Three. Irina was hurt. Asia just getting there. "Wifey!"

She coughed blood. (FN). Gaius Honey." She smiled even though blood dripped from her mouth.

"Irina..." This drilled you. Screw the soreness. Seeing her in this rough shaoe made your stomach turn into knots. Asia was starting the healing process but it was the concept of her getting hurt. "I let you down." You grunted.

"Gaius I'll be fine. Give me time. I'll join you."

"Well well. If it isn't (FN). You were too young to remember me." Called a voice.

You have called ouht your worst nightmare. "Speak!" You ordered.

My husband is edgy. Today he gets a pass. Get him Hubby. Smiled Irina.

"I thought your father everything he knows. Though I would never think you would use such a weapon. He used it as decoration. Said he had no use for it and magic wasn't his thing. How can I forget my manors? I, am Gregory."

"(FN) Shidou. Prepare to be my practice target. And I assure you that you will not breath after I'm done."


Gregory. Another one knowing your father. Must be a popular guy. Regardless this is your real battle coming up. No short cuts and no more holding back. You have a high class Fallen Angel in front of you and this is your fight. You have the tools and techniques. Use them.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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