Ch 9 - Cuddles and Breakfast

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You almost passed out in front of your crush. At least heal up before you go to sleep. Right? Well what happens now with Irina in your life while still conflicting issues on the Fallen Angels after You?



Rias teleported you back to the House to wash. You didn't know you were Irina went off to but knew she couldn't go in that summoning circle. But you wipe off any blood and get the grime off your body. You air dry for a second and get into a bathrobe. You were just going to enter your room. But as soon as you open the door, you have company.

"Oh. Sorry (FN)." Irina blushed.

She sees me in a robe. Please don't blush.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah... fine. So what's up?"

"I thought the shower was free. I'm kind of due. Rias offered."

"That explains a few things." You mumbled.

"What was that bestie?"

"Nothing. Nothing. Hey wait." Did she just... "So talk when you're out?

"When I'm dressed."

"Of course. Cause yeah that'd be weird. I'll be my room." She closes the door and you facepalm. Idiot.

"Well then?" Asked Rias behind your shoulder.

You jumped. "Don't do that. And why is she here?"

"I thought it would be a bonding exercise. Her and Xenovia can share a bed."

"She can take mine if she wants."

"You certain..." You give her a nod. She knows how much you care about her. "I'll ask her when she's out. You should see Asia. You're still sore."

"Where is she?"

"The living room with Issei. Tell you what. I'll fly you down. Save your energy." She spreads her wings and picks you up. Then floats you down. "Get well soon." She walk away to handle business.

"Hey (FN). What happened?" Asked Asia.

"Besides taking one out of three out from that awful night just a few wounds."

"A few? Goodness. How did you shower?" She gasped.

"I saved her. All I care about. I did my job and made sure she is safe. Didn't pass out this time either."

She is performing the healing process but the shoulder isn't exactly coming around the way you like. "Sorry. I can't heal stamina. But Akeno can wrap you up nicely so you can rest up."

"You called?" Akeno giggled.

"Just need my shoulder wrapped up if you can. Please Akeno?"

"Just be careful where your hands touch. Certain areas make me all hot." She grabbed the gauze as you roll down the top half from the robe and lift up. It feels half dead as she gives you a nice wrap. You lower your arm and the pain is still there. You ache and lay back. "Better now?"

"Can I debate that till morning?" You groan. 

"Heal up. We are all here for you."

"Thank you. This couch. So comfy." You lay back and close your eyes. Just beat from that battle. If Asia couldn't heal that only rest will. But dozing off would only be for a moment.

"You know this couch won't be your bed." Said Xenovia.

You lift your head. "What do you mean?"

"Irina and I can share sides. It's big enough. You get to bed."

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