Ch 10 - Awake

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Ever been in a berserk type rage? We all have. I've been feeling the rage and sorrow. Family matter. If you have read my stories, the father in Snow Bunny and the first Fallen Angel in Thunder Love and Priestess are both family members. Welp. I unfortunately don't have the strength, but I have the imagination. Let's show your crush how you do business.



The three of you left the diner with still a few minutes left before class starts. The two girls were happy to be spending time together back when Xenovia was under the church. But with Xenovia and lack of filter. The signs she gave off were confusing enough. It was sweet the girls were cheering you up so early. But for what you had in mind this wasn't over.

At your desk you were quiet. Not talking to Issei, his friends, or the girls. Asia took note of this. She nodded to the girls and walked over. She tapped you on the shoulder.

"Hey. You alright? The girls are asking."

Your arms are crossed and gazing out the window. "Yeah. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"A girl, my mother, two idiots, and a sword. After last night I want to end it this time."

"Where is this coming from?"

"You don't know what I saw last night. Or what I feel. I just need to clean things up. I'll see what Kiba is doing soon."

"What about us?"

"I don't want Irina involved. I don't want her to see me like this. None of you. Nova can stay with her and they can bond. Me and Kiba can clean house. I want them dead."

"Wait I thought you took care of them." She gasped.

"Just one. Yuri. Those two scumbags are still left. I got to find them."

"Alright. What do I tell the girls and Issei?"

"Well the truth is it's my mother's birthday. Yeah. Not in the greatest of moods. I saw her face from an impersonator."

"Oh my goodness. What did you do?"

"Ask the girls. They saw me. I'll talk to you later."

Asia walks back to the girls with a worried look. "I think we should be concerned."

"Is he okay?" Irina was scared.

"He was fine during breakfast. What's wrong?"

"It's his..."

Irina snapped her fingers. "Mother's birthday. Oh no. He's hurt."

"What action do we take?" Asked Xenovia.

"Aren't you his..."   


"Nevermind. What do we do?"

Xenovia smiled. "I think he's up to something."

"Bestie wouldn't do that would he?"

"Consider someone impersonated his mother and what he did last night I have no doubts."

"You don't think..."

"I do Irina. He can't go along. He is probably going to talk to Kiba or Issei."

"He said something about Kiba. Think he'll accept?" Asked Asia. "We should go to Rias."


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