Chapter Three

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The second semester of 7th grade was…complicated. It’s hard to describe it using any other word. Overall, I did enjoy it, but there was a major “bump in the road,” so to say, that stopped it from being, well, perfect.

It was during a group sleepover at Audrey’s house that Macie told us about her New Year’s Resolutions.

“People tend to describe me as quiet,” she started, “but I want to change that.” The three of us nodded, trying to imagine where Macie was going with this. “Hailey says I’m too shy and not outgoing enough.”

This confused me. Hailey was the closest thing our school had to a “mean girl,” but naturally, she and Macie were friends. Personally I didn’t understand why. Hailey often spread rumors about everyone—even Macie—but Macie acted like it didn’t bother her. It was like she had this unspoken rule for herself that she had to like everyone, no matter how rude they were to her…or her friends.

“That’s not true!” Audrey piped in. “You’re friends with practically everyone at school. If that’s not outgoing, I don’t know what is.” The last bit sounded almost bitter, but I didn’t over think it.

Macie smiled at Audrey’s comment. She definitely took pride in having so many friends, but not in a conceited way. Macie liked being there for other people just as much as she liked having other people there for her.

“Thanks, Audrey, but I still think that there might be some truth to what Hailey said.”

I so badly wanted to speak up. Why would you believe Hailey? I thought. When has she ever said anything that was true and actually helpful? She done nothing but hurt us! I mean…you. I looked up, seriously considering saying something. Before I had the chance to, Macie continued speaking.

“So I have a plan.” She smiled knowingly, clearly pausing for dramatic effect.

“Well?” Phoebe added in, her usual giggly self.

“Well…” Macie stood up and started pacing around the basement, something she always did when she was planning. “You all know the school play auditions are coming up…”

Romeo and Juliet.” Audrey rolled her eyes. “How typical.”

“Right,” Macie said, turning the conversation back to her. “I think I’m going to audition.” The way that she wrung her hands in front of her stomach made it look like she was nervous. As if she needs our approval. I said sarcastically in my head.

Phoebe was the first to something. “Eeep!” she squealed. “Yay! This is so exciting! You’re totally going to get the lead.” She got up to give Macie a hug.

“Thanks, Phoebe. Do you really think so?”

Audrey groaned jokingly. “Duh!” We all laughed.

“What do you think, Nash?” It wasn’t until that moment that I realized I hadn’t contributed to the conversation at all.

“Y-yeah,” was all I managed to say.

Macie looked as if she was hiding a laugh, but not quite. “’Yeah’ what? Do you think I should do it?”

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. “Sure.” After saying that, I reconsidered. “Well, only if you want to, you know? Don’t do it just to prove something to Hailey. I mean, getting on stage can be really scary if you’ve never done it before.” I shuddered, thinking back on my own “stage debut” back in 2nd grade. “Plus, isn’t Hailey the one expected to be Juliet? Not to say that you can’t do it or anything, but she was the lead last year, so you know she’ll assume that the part is hers.” I noticed I was rambling, so I stopped talking. The other girls seemed a little surprised; either by what I said, or just the fact that I had so much to say.

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