How I met the two sides of him.

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Once in a far away school there was a girl. Her name is Gwen, and she wanted the prince charming of a lifetime, she wanted kindest friendliest man you'll ever meet, she wanted a real man. But do you know how hard that is to find nowadays, even though social networking is there she would want to meet him face-to-face before they could get close. That is why yesterday she threw her phone out her window so, she could find to love, but that is how she met him. It seems stupid, but that is how it happened. Well, Gwen is me. God, if I knew that boys were actual dogs, I would've dressed up like a cat this morning to school. But my Prince Charming won't be a dog, more like a spider.


"Oh Romeo, Oh Romeo, where there out thy Romeo." I said standing on the balcony of my 'castle'.

"That was a great Gwen. Next time do with a little bit more finesse!" Shouted Mr.Polinceter. He's the special arts teacher.

"Thanks Mr. P, ugh..... I didn't know anyone was listening."

"Well, I listen to all of my students."

"I'm not your student though."

"Well now you are."

"Thank you! I won't let you down!" I shouted.


So from that point, I was most popular girl in school. I got the role of Juliet from Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, and I did fantastic. Mr. P always helps me out and I take acting classes during school now and, pfff..... Who cares! Let's talk about whether I should choose Danny or Shane should be my boyfriend! I Love them both so much! I've known them since I was really little. I grew up with them! They're idiots but they are really cute! Ugh who should I choose! And they both keep texting me like crazy. God, at this point I'm about to throw my phone out the window. Just how I had planned to. But, as I did it flew back in here.

"Thought you might need it." A familiar voice said as he landed on my roof. That familiar voice was spiderman.

"OMG! You're Spiderman, you saved my phone!"

"Yea, I know who I am."

"I mean like of course you do, you saved my phone thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?!?!"

"Be careful where you throw your phone. I can't always be there to save it. Gotta go bye." He said as he flew out the window. What was I thinking! I don't want Danny or Shane to be my boyfriend! I want Spiderman to be my boyfriend! As crazy as it may seem he is a real gentleman. Plus he is really muscular, oh I could see that sixpack right there in that costume. So cute!

________________THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL________________

"Omg, what is happening to you Gwen! You're losing your popularity!" Shouted My friend Emma.

"Stop using texting terms of use real worlds!" I said. Okay so maybe Emma is my fake friend. "I don't care, you're a loser, you're not even my real friend, you just hang out with me because I'm popular, and I don't even want to be popular!"

"Then don't be, OMGLZT!" Then she sashayed away.

Then I saw Peter Parker at school, the worlds biggest nerd. He was kinda cute though. Wait. I know what to do, if I don't want to be popular anymore all you have to do is hang out with Peter. Hold up, wait, hang out with Peter. Okay, we'll he is cute. Then let's do it. Okay then.

"Hey Peter wait up!" He turned his head, not knowing I was being serious. "No really wait up!" He stopped.

"How do you know my name?" He asked. He sounded, familiar, I just can't put my finger on it.

"You took pictures of the student government!"

"Oh yea, I did."

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