Chapter 23

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*The Next Day*

It feels good that I'm waking up in my wife arms. We talked all last night and was just reminiscing everything that we have been through. I don't know what I was thinking  by cheating on her. That was the dumbest mistake in my life. I'm ready to pop out this baby because I can't wait to meet him . I hope Erica can accept this baby .

*knock knock*

Cyn: Come In

Jada: Hi mama , good morning

Cyn: Good-morning Baby Girl

Jada: May I ask you a question?

Cyn: Sure

Jada: Is it okay if I go visit my momma Serena grave .

Cyn: Sure honey , when you wanna go?

Jada: I was hoping next week because I have track practice all this week.

Cyn: Ok babes

Jada: *kisses cyn* thanks

Cyn: Your welcome

*Erica wakes up*

Erica: Good-morning

Cyn: Good-morning babe , go do your hygiene

Erica: ok babe *goes in the bathroom and does her hygiene * come get in the shower with me .

Cyn: Okay *gets in shower and starts kissing Erica neck *

Erica: No Cyn we can't

Cyn: *pouts* why

Erica: Cyn , we just got back together. I need to be able to trust you and everything before we just jump back into having sex.

Cyn: Babe please *pouts*

Erica: Cyn I said no

Cyn: Fine * washes herself and gets out still mad*

Erica: *does the same and put clothes on* Cyn


Erica: Cyn ,are you really ignoring me ?



Cyn: What Erica

Erica: Are you really mad that I wanna wait till we are at a good space in our process?


Erica: * sits down next to her * Cyn I want things to go right between us. This is a process for both of us and we are going to take it slow. I don't want to jump right back into where we left off  because things will eventually be the same thing. You only got 1 more month left with our baby Cyn.

Cyn: Ok I'll wait, but did you just say OUR baby?

Erica: Yes I said our baby. I'm not going to treat the child different from the rest.

Cyn: Im sorry baby for everything. I knew what i was doing. I had my own insecurities. I promise that i will not hurt you like that again . You are the love of my life and i don't want to look at the hurt of your face like that ever again. I didn't mean to get pregnant by him. I just wanted some attention from you and when i didn't get it , i got it from Joe. *crying*

Erica: I accept your apology and we are going to go slow so we can get back into a good space. *kisses her forehead * 

Cyn: Love You Baby

Erica: Love You Too

So I Got The Abortion. If I Tell You I'm Sore Than A Bitch . I Feel Like Something Done Fell On Me. Anyways, My Parents Are Back Together Again And Talking It Slow. I'm Loving The Fact That They Are Taking Our Feelings And Them Being Together In Consideration. I Just Want To Have A 2-Parent Home Instead Of 1.

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