Chappie 20

341 21 1

I'm hurt , angry, and pissed tf off . I know I have done some shit in the past. This is her second child by this crackhead nigga . She has been blowing my damn phone up texting me all night .
*phone ringing *


C: Hey Baby

E: What do you want , Cynthia?

C: Can I come over so we can talk ,please?

E: I don't want to talk to you right now . I just want you to leave me alone. You can come over and see the kids because they miss you

C: I understand Imma be there in 5

E: Bye

*phone convo end*

I'm on my way to see the kids and I really want to talk to Erica but she doesn't want to hear me out.

•knock knock•

MJ: •opens door• Hey mama

Cyn: Hey princess. Where's your siblings and mama?

MJ: Jada and King In their rooms and mommy is in her room.

•Cyn goes upstairs and knocks on Kings door•

King: Come in

Cyn: Hey baby boy

King: Oh , it's just you -Rolling his eyes-

Cyn: Look King I know you are mad at me but can I talk to you baby boy. Just hear me out

King: Talk

Cyn: It started when you showed mommy that picture and when mommy found out I lost all contact with him. He got a new number so we started to hang out more. 7 months ago, me and Joe started messing around while I was with mommy. Then I ended up pregnant 1 months later. I know you are mad at me chubby but I was being really selfish and didn't think about how it would affect my family. I love you King and im sorry for putting u in this situation.

King: Okay mama *hugs her*

Cyn : *hugs him and kissed him*

•Cyn goes to Jada room and sees her sleep so she goes to see Erica (knock knock)•

Erica : Come In

Cyn: Hey Erica

Erica: What do you want , Cyn?

Cyn: Can we talk , please?

Erica: Talk

Cyn: Erica I apologize for being unfaithful to you . I know what I did was wrong it's just that we were arguing and I went to him for comfort and one thing led to another. I wish I can take it back because i have broken your heart. I lost all contact with him after you saw that picture and he got a new number. After we started texting, we started to hang out and chill at his house. 7 months ago, we were intimate together and 1 month later , I found out I was pregnant. Erica , Baby, I'm sorry . I love and miss you. Can you please forgive me?

Erica: Idk Cyn. I'm really thinking about getting a divorce because im tired of the bullshit I go through. For 4 years straight, I have done everything you asked me to do and not only that I haven't talked to anybody or even though about cheating because I have flashbacks of your heart being broke after I did something to you. I can forgive you and everything. I really don't wanna be in this marriage anymore.

Cyn: Baby please, think about all the great times we had together.We have 3 kids together, a baby on the way , and 2 businesses .

Erica: THAT DIDNT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU BECAUSE IF IT DID YOU WOULD HAVE THOUGHT 2WICE ABOUT FUCKING AROUND. ALSO, THAT BABY ISNT MY SEED AND YOU KNOW IT *calms down and gets someth off of the dresser * Here are the divorce papers , I already sign them , you just sign them and we can go through the process. • looks in Cyn eyes•

Cyn: •crying while grabbing Erica Waist with her head on Erica's shoulder• Baby I'm sorry I know I fucked up and I know we did some shit in the past,but I'm begging you please forgive me so we can work this out. I'll do anything just for us to start over and be happy . The baby could be yours Erica . Joe Budden was just somebody I came too for comfort but he's not the one that I'm in love with. I belong to you Erica and nobody else . Please don't give up on me , please baby.

Erica: •turns around• Let me go .•cyn lets go • You don't want me to give up on you but you gave up on me when you let that crackhead of a bitch nigga touch what's mine. You were supposed to belong to me and why tf he gets something I haven't got in a 8 months . Everytime I asked you where ya been , you say you were at Stella's , everytime you lied you would really be with Joe. Maybe I should just go fuck Draya and get her pregnant, the first thing you would do is leave my ass and divorce me if I did something like that. What you mean the baby could be mine?

Cyn: Your eggs are still in me

Erica: Ohh but please just sign these papers

Cyn: •head hung low• Okay Erica •crying•

*Erica cried after cyn left and couldn't sleep but the kids came and slept with her so she got a little bit of sleep *

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