Chappie 3

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Today , We are having a family day. We are taking the kids out to eat, then go to Six Flags. I am ready to go but Erica is taking to long to get ready .



Cyn- Hurry the fuck up

Erica- I'm ready ...damn

King- Mommy, you were taking to long

MJ- Don't come for my mama , King. Quit being mean, mama. See, mommy sad.

Erica- I don't like when you being mean to me Cyn -pouts-

Cyn - Ok baby im sorry -kisses her-

Erica- -kisses backs- Otay -baby voice-

King- Can we leave now?

MJ- Please

E/C- Ok

-20 minutes later they were at a Denny's restaurant-

Waiter- Hi. Welcome to Denny's ,My name is Donnie, How many?

Erica- 4

Waiter- Table or Booth

Erica- Booth

Waiter- Right this way babies

-They were seated to the booth-

Waitress- Hi , my name is Desiree, I will be your waitress while you here, May we start off with something to drink?

Erica- Dr.Pepper

Cyn- Pepsi

King- Coke

MJ- Root Beer

Waitress- I will be back with your drinks and ya'll are some cute kids.

MJ/K- Thank you!

-5 minutes later till waitress bring the drinks -

Waitress- Are ya'll ready to eat?

Erica-2 x 2 x 2

Cyn-Grilled Cheese and Fries

King- Old Timer with Cheese

MJ- Belguim Waffles

-After they eat , they went to six flags and stayed there for about 4 hours. They went back home , took showers , and wet to bed.-

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