The Rights of the Accused

11 3 0

Another pitch black night
I sit in fright
Afraid of the world around me

I sit in a room
Where I will find my doom
Shh! Don't make a peep.

I know they're there
In the community square
Just waiting for their next catch

Heartless animals stalk the street
Where we used to sing, to play, to eat
But that's all just memories now

The weeks turn to months
Their jobs almost done
Will we ever get out of here?

I look out the window
And hear the scream of a widow
They've made their next catch.

She jerks and she screams
Tearing at their coats and loose seams
Her baby boy runs out of the room.

She pleads for his life
If she'd only had rights
But she's an outcast, there's no way to help.

Months turn to years
Only grinding our gears
We're surviving but will we ever escape?

More of us are caught
Changing moods to distraught
There's not enough hope to go around

I hear a crash from downstairs
Their feet come up in pairs

The hiding's done.

They've found us.

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