I Live For The Day

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I live for the day we grow old.
The day we can look back on today
And laugh

I live for the day I come home
And you're sitting on the couch
Waiting for me.

I live for the day we can raise our children
Not in an ugly world like we are stuck in
But in a place where they can be happy and feel no pain.

I live for the day the wars in our minds become memories
The scars fade
And the light shines through the clouds again.

I live for the day my best friend can look back
And see how loved she was
And she will be happy.

I live for the day she realizes that she is worth it all.
She is worth the world
But she can't see beyond the eyes of the past.

I live for the day she has a family
And kids
And no worries.

I live for the day I don't have to hide anymore.
The day you realize all I could think about was you.
And how much I needed you to be thinking about me too.

I live for the day I can say
Just how much
I love you.

The Us I Thought We Were ↹ [Poetry]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora