Boy 2.0

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She was a young girl the ripe age of 16
He, a boy of equal standards with backwards intentions
The school heartthrob
The bad boy
The boy every girl wanted
The boy she got
He was head over heels for her
Meaning he couldn't keep his feet on the ground
Or his emotion in his pants
He made his rounds
Requiring the taste of innocence
To drown his thoughts
Because she didn't want him
But he failed to realize
That this distanced them even further
His temporary moments of pure emotion and internal narrative
Of the story he couldn't get across anything other than contact between lips
Which cost him his sanity
As he could never get the one thing he had always wanted
Nor the one thing he had never had
It drove him mad beyond belief
So he tried to change
For her
Tried to become better
Be an improved version of himself
Stop the self-hatred
End the internal suffering
Heal the physical pains
Bury the addiction
And he succeeded
For a while
Until he realized
This was the last thing she wanted from him
She never wanted him to change who he was
She loved him for who he is

And this realization killed him.

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