Momentary Lapse

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Do you have any idea what it is like to need somebody in your life?
Not just to yearn for their presence,
But to require their existence.
You cannot go a single moment without the thought of them rattling around in the back of your mind.
You were my broken watch,
And my life was on your time.
I ache for the knowledge of what makes you tick.
You, my friend, are an arithmetic puzzle never meant to be solved,
But that's what made you so perfect for me.
I have always wanted the one thing I can't have.
Your mind is the only one I can't open,
And I have been given every key to every door in the world,
Yet you still remain a mystery.
I constantly chase you
But I am always a second behind.
Our second hands may never meet,
And we may never work,
But if we could stop time
Just for the moment,
And realign,
Maybe I could catch you,
And we could walk with our arms interlaced yet again,
And our feet finally stepping to the same rhythm
As the hour hand fades away,
And minutes become longer,
And we can stare into each other's eyes for eternity
Because time is no longer of the essence.
But that can only ever last for one broken second.

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