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The day had begun with a warm gentle rain
The sky was a nice grey and petrichor filled my brain.
My senses were drizzled with the thought of you
And I began to wonder if you thought of me too.
As the drizzle slowly grew into an intense downpour
I began to fade into the shadows , fearing anything more
That you may have wanted or asked of me to do
Because I had begun to realize I was afraid of you.
Not you specifically , but of what we could have been,
The grey skies became cloudy with what 'us' could have meant.
The thoughts in my head grew in force like the wind.
I may have overthought things , but I always felt pinned
My doubts remained inside me , eternally stored
Nothing felt right as I began falling toward
The harsh walls of rain , I had nowhere to escape
The downpour became a storm as lightning filled the cloudscape.
The water began falling sideways and my world fell with the rain
That's when I realized you were not my gentle storm , you are my hurricane.

The Us I Thought We Were ↹ [Poetry]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt