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You and me
We got along like a house on fire

This could go two ways
The amount of wood that can be found in a house can kindle the fire for hours
The spark lost following nights of contained ruination

This fire could burn forever
Always finding something new to destroy
Because it will either spread to the surrounding houses
The surrounding people
Those who you love dearly
Or it will spread to the grass you tread on
The path you choose
To take

Either way
Our flame was a toxic mess of incoherent arguments never making themselves known because we are both too afraid to make the other mad

We are cold memories sitting out on a warm summer day
Our expiration date getting closer by the minute
Not touching the issues we are hiding beneath our fragile exteriors
We are the air I breath
Keeping me alive
Slowly killing me when I can't get enough of it

Of you

I was just another flame for you to extinguish
You threw my burning heart into the sea so far away from you that you forgot you ever even had it
You forgot you ever even had me
You tugged my innermost strings with every word you said to me
The music in my head playing ten times louder than my rationality
Blocking out everything else other than you

I guess when you give someone the key to your heart
They tend to be the only thing you can think about
Because when your heart only beats in line with one soul
But is always one step behind
One can never expect to be left as anything other than
Shattered fragments of an evanesce mind

The Us I Thought We Were ↹ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now