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What happens when we all look back and realize that this life was nothing more than a series of unfortunate events, one knocking over the next in the world's largest domino effect.

What happens when we all look forward and see that doomsday seems to be right around the corner of the avenue we used to run along when we were young and wild and free.

What happens when we all look at where we are now and realize the happiness we have been waiting for for so long may never come, right now may be the happiest we ever will be.

But is there really anything wrong with that?

Sure, it means that every moment we go forward in life will be a step downward, the rest of your life is literally one long roll down the hill we claim to be at the peak of on Wednesday's, but we are really just stepping closer to another bump in the road we will soon begin to climb up.

The moment we begin to contemplate whether the tiny moments of joy are really worth the eons of suffering is the moment we have begun to descend down another hill.

Never knowing if we will start going back up is the point of life.

The few surprises we experience in all of the days of struggles are the things that really make us continue that downward spiral, because we have the hope that we will start back uphill again sometime soon.

Because that's all we can really count on these days, isn't it?

The idea that maybe tomorrow will be better than today.

So we keep going forward.

Hitting the highs and lows of each day without ever knowing if it will be our last.

Having good days and days where we just feel like falling to the ground and laying there forever, not having to deal with whatever life throws at us.

But then again, the happiest moment of your life could be right now.

So live every moment like it's the happiest you'll ever be again.

Don't take that to be a depressing thing.

It's quite the contrary, actually.

If right now is the happiest you'll ever be, then live that moment like you'll never get it back.

Make each memory strong and cherish each moment.

Live life in spite of the looming presence of downhill.

The Us I Thought We Were ↹ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now