Beyond the Words Written

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I want to believe in the fairy tales engraved into our minds when we were young

and the words between the lines that are often left unsung.

Not because they are all of happy endings and hope long hidden

but because they allow us to believe in something beyond the words written.

A long lost story of love and peace and truth

that we often forget as we pass through our youth

and onto the days where the hidden are free

and they wear the masks of what was once you and what was once me.

I want to believe in the campfire stories told late at night

always managing to muster up fright.

We scream and we're tense and we yell at the void

for everything it has done to make us paranoid.

Our minds give us reason to stick close together

while we all fall into the story deeper, but slowly, like a feather.

There is truly no equal that could ever compare

to the stories we share when our souls lay bare.

We put ourselves out there for everyone to see

and dive deep under water just so we can breath.

I wish I didn't believe in the horror stories of the world around us

and the hurt and deceit and just all around fuss.

The lying and stealing the hurt and the pain

all of us acting out in such rash vain.

We get no where with the wars and battles,

we are simply circling the drain without any paddles.

See, the truth we must face is our imminent destruction,

but in not wanting to accept it we only let more in.

So, before you believe the stories told round the campfire at night,

the fairy tales and love poems that make the world seem so bright,

consider the reality of the world around us

and decide what you believe is really worth being discussed.

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