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I look up to the stars to hear the howling of the moon

I know that the wind will pick up, and I will feel the colors of noon

Like the leaves holding onto the branches with such a glue

That it makes me wonder if we may fall too

Is the gravity that pulls them off of their home so easily

Really the thing that anchors us to reality?

It seems dangerous and unsure and can we really trust it

To keep us on this earth and not in orbit of it

Being in space wouldn't be all that bad though

It's just like reaching for the stars when you're a young kid, you know?

Life billowing around us like a cool autumn breeze

Dreams as high as mountains and thoughts as deep as seas

An absurd order of thoughts developing in our minds

We couldn't tell the truth from lies that always seem to bind

Us to each other.

The Us I Thought We Were ↹ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now