Bon Voyage

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  "What's this?" You questioned as you held up a ticket in your hand, your husband looking up from his papers on his desk, where a quill frantically scratched across the parchment, along with a few others, correcting misspellings on the papers, writing extra details and other much needed changes. He didn't answer, only stared at you with those sorrowful eyes, not having to say 'sorry'. His eyes shouted it out, it screamed it louder than any voice could screeched it out. Soon your angry eyes found his suit case, already knowing what was going on, to the fancy lettering of the word 'Paris' on the ticket to his clothes set out ready for him to get up the next morning to leave. "Darling please understand that I have to do this." He soon managed out as he got up from the small chair, quickly taking the ticket from you. He was scared those angry fingers of your would tear the thin paper into a million of pieces out of fury. He knew you too would do that, though he knew he deserved it, since he was always running off without a trace to leave you crumpled behind and scared for his life.

He was so sorry for those times...but it was necessary very time.

"I have to continue my research, I have to, to finish this book I need to. Just imagine the difference that this will make? No more Erumpents feared, no more Thunderbirds killed." He rambled on as he desperately clasped at your hands as you only looked to the ground, keeping in your sobs before finally pushing away his hands. "How am I to be as excited as you when all you do is come here, tell me what happened, secretly write letters to those two women in New York, almost actually destroy the city, then come here and leave again for Paris to what? Possibly to destroy another city? Have the Ministry of Magic knocking on my door again to ask the whereabouts of where you have been?" You spat out, Newt only looking down at you in disbelief at your outburst at him. Though a scary calmness poured over you as you took in a deep breath. "Sleep on the couch and don't even wake me up in the morning when you leave." You whispered out as you stepped out from the small room he called his office where all his diagrams of his creatures hung on the walls and pages of his book was set out all over on every surface that was free of anything else. You left Newt though to stand amongst his own creation that he now really didn't feel that proud over anymore as you walked away from him.

Newt Scamander one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now