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Years always speed by, no matter how slow you try to make them go by. Though people can change over the years, music can change drastically as well. Oh how music could tell the history of the years so well! You were fascinated by it. No potion or other wizard contraption could make you fascinated as you were with music. Now with the years passing has to say...these were the best years for music. How they got your hips swaying to the radio as you cleaned up the house or cooked dinner for you and your husband for when he got home, and also for your children, for when they came to visit now and then. Nothing could stop you from enjoying those wonderful songs, not even the gray strands in your hair or your age could ever be an obstacle. Not even Newt could be as he entered, you humming to the music Come Get Your Love By Redbone. How you enjoyed the song very much, even to the very next, Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede. You didn't even hold back you singing to it, Newt letting out a gentle smile as he watched, lowering himself gently into a chair situated at the kitchen table, you jumping as you finally noticed him.
"Oh don't mind me dear...continue.." Newt mumbled out with a small laugh
"How long have you been there?"
"Duration of two songs..."
"It was quite entertaining..if it makes you feel better."

Newt Scamander one shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt