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Of course now you had you arms linked with Newt now, your feet making their way through the thin layer of snow to Hogsmeade to go to the Three Broom old times. You see....if you, as in the reader,haven't figures out yet, you knew Newt in the past...though how was what was now the question. We're you two best friends, lovers, or something else? Well that would be kept a secret...all for you to try and decided. " have you been? It's been awhile since we've spoken...10 years? At least a little more." You estimated, looking up to him...still handsome as ever...even with those new gray hairs. "Wonderful....a very....eventful past years. I traveled the word and studied the most amazing creatures and written a text book...which of course I know you are very familiar with." He said with a little grin, looking back down at you, not even looking up as he opened the door to the pub, leading you in. His gentleman side was showing quite strongly as he was already pulling out a chair for you at one of the tables "I'll get us some butter beers..." and with that he rushed off, leaving you to begin removing your thick coat, gloves, and scarf, though was soon presented with a mug of butter beer, Newt already sitting himself down, removing is own cost and scarf. "What about you....hear people calling you professor now."
" a job as the care for magical creatures....well I did work at the ministry for a bit...but returning here, couldn't pass that up..." with a shrug of your shoulders, you brought you mug of to your lips and took a sip, Newt only smiling and looking at you "You are still quite lovely...always were...."
"Now manage to be so smooth with the ladies without realizing it"
"Can we do this again whenever you don't have to teach?"
"I'll meet you here on the weekends....I'll send an owl of the times I can come.."

Newt Scamander one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now