Chapter 39

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Isabella opened her eyes to find that she was no longer in the comfortable bed in the farmhouse. Instead, she was on the cold floor of some sort of cell. Then, it hit her. She was back in the prison she was held captive in with Caleb. The doorknob rattled and in walked the very last person she wanted to see- the officer that took advantage of her. She never knew his name and that was for the best.

He got close to her, close enough to reach out to touch her. Isabella could feel a cold, nervous sweat on the back of her neck as she backed away from him. Just like he had done the first time, he backed her into the wall so she had no means of escape.

Isabella tried to move, to run, to hit- but she couldn't make herself move. She was frozen. There would be no fighting back, no chance for her to get away. So, she did the only thing she could think of to do- she screamed. She screamed and cried out for help but it felt like nobody could hear her.

That is, until she felt somebody shake her. At first, she thought it was the unnamed officer, but the touch was too gentle and it radiated concern.

"Bella!" She heard somebody call her name.

"Isabella," The voice grew closer and louder.

Isabella's eyes snapped open and she bolted upright, tears already streaming down her face.

Ben was there, sitting on the edge of her bed with worry etched into his features. "Bella, it is alright- it was just a dream."

When Isabella regained her bearings, she noticed that Ben was only in his trousers, meaning he was asleep. "What time is it?" She asked.

"About an hour or two until sunrise." He answered, pulling her close to him.

She wrapped her arms around him and let go of the breath she was holding. "I am sorry to wake you."

"Don't be sorry," Ben paused and looked her in the eye. "Was it about what happened while you were in the prison?" He asked gently.

She looked up at him with wide eyes and simply nodded. He pulled her back into a hug and smoothed her hair. "Don't you worry, I am here now. I will keep you safe." He whispered calmly.

"Thank you, Ben... I don't know what I would do without you." She said.

"And I you." He kissed the top of her head and let go so she could go back to sleep.


"Yes, love?"

"Would you stay in here with me, for tonight?" She asked, scooting over to make room for him.

"I would be delighted to." He answered, sliding under the blankets and wrapping an arm around her.


The next morning, Isabella woke up in Ben's arms, her head resting on his chest. She stroked his arm softly, causing him to wake up.

"Good morning," he said sleepily. "Did you sleep well?"

"The best I have ever slept," She answered and the kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, again."

"Are you ready to see Boston?" He asked, picking up a strand of her hair and twisting it gently.

"Of course! I can hardly wait."

They got ready and headed to the cobblestone and dirt streets of Boston. The day was slightly rainy with grey skies above. The two walked down the streets with arms linked, gazing at what the new city had to offer. Both of them had not seen anything but the army camp in a long time. The tall buildings and bustling streets were a welcome sight. It was quite a change from the muddy, disorganized camp.

At around noon, Ben and Isabella went into a quiet little restaurant to get something to eat. They were seated in a corner table and quickly served the hot meal. As they were finishing up, Isabella noticed something strange.

There was a man sat at the opposite end of the restaurant. His hat hung low enough to cover his eyes yet Isabella could still tell he was looking in her direction, or more specifically, at the back of Ben's Head . Everything about him made her uneasy.

"Ben, do you know him?" She asked.

He turned to see who she was gesturing at. It took him a few moments to notice who the man was but once he did, his blood ran cold.

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