Chapter 34

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Author's note: I'm so sorry I haven't been updating recently. I have had a lot of work with school and dance. But here's the next chapter!


"Caleb Brewster and a woman. They were both hit over the head and knocked unconscious."

"What did she look like?" Ben asked, automatically worried. He hasn't seen Isabella or Caleb in a day. It was usual for Caleb to disappear for days at a time but not Isabella and certainly not at the same time.

"The woman was very pretty. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes." The man explained. "I believe Mr. Brewster introduced her as Bella, his sister."

A man who was part of the mission to capture Caleb had gotten cold feet last minute and decided not to help. He came to the patriot army camp and warned General Washington.

Washington closed his eyes and pursed his lips, internally praying. "Does Lieutenant Brewster have a sister?" He asked Ben.

"No, sir."

"Dammit!" He stood up and banged his fist on the table. After taking a few seconds to collect himself, he turned to the man. "Thank you for your help, we will see that you are paid for your troubles."

"Thank you, General." The man said before being escorted out of the tent by the guards.

When it was just Ben and Washington, the two began to work on a plan. "We can't let them find out who Isabella really is. If they do, we will never get her back." Washington stated.

"We could conduct a secretive mission to break into wherever they are being kept and get them out." Ben suggested.

"But how will we find out where they are?"

Ben frowned at his idea being shot down. Then, out of the rubble of his last idea came a new one. "Culper. We use him."


"The British value both him and his father. They provide the red coats with much needed provisions and his father is a well known Tory." Ben explained, watching the General's eyes widen in understanding. "I can get Abe to agree to fake a capture and we can hold them for ransom. The Brits get Abe and his father and we get Caleb and Isabella."

Washington pondered for a moment. "That might just work. How quickly can you work this out?"

"I can send a letter of ransom now and have a group of men in Setauket by nightfall." Ben said with pride.

"Then go, do as you must."

Ben left Washington's tent to write the letter and prepare everything for the journey.

After sending the letter, Ben and two other men rode off towards the tiny town of Setauket to "kidnap" Abe and his Father.


"Abe, I need you and your father to come with me." Ben said as he stood on the front steps of Abe's house.


"The blasted red coats have taken Caleb and Isabella and you are our only hope of getting them back." Ben began explaining his plan. "I can assure you, no harm will come to you or your father. We will trade you and him for Isabella and Caleb and they will return you to your home."

Abe was quiet for a moment before shouting, "Father, Mary!"

The two rushed to the door, thinking something was wrong.

"Abraham, what is the matter?" Mr. Woodhull griped.

"Father, I need your help. We are going to be held for ransom." Abe explained.

"What?" Mary and Judge Woodhull said at the same time.

"I assure you, everything will be fine. Nobody will get hurt. Caleb Brewster and Isabella Washington have been captured by the British and you two are our only means of getting them back. We will trade you for them and then the Brits will return you to your home." Ben explained once again.

"And why should I help? I never liked that Brewster boy." Woodhull sneered.

"If you won't help us for Caleb, at least do it for the General's niece. She is innocent in all of this." Beg practically begged.

"Father," Abe conveyed so many feeling with just one word.

The older Woodhull was silent for a minute before he spoke up, "Alright, I'll do it."

"Perfect. Now quickly get into the wagon and we will be gone. We have already sent the ransom note."

Abe and his father made their way to the wagon before Mary stopped them. "Wait!" She ran back into the house to fetch something. A few moments later, she came back with a small sack.

She handed it to Abe and he looked inside.

"In case you get hungry." She said with a small smile.

Abe pulled her into a hug before hopping into the wagon with his father. Just as they were about to get on the road, they were stopped by the nearing sound of horses. Ben peeked around the side of the house and his worst fears were confirmed. Red coats.

"Men, load your guns." He said quietly to the men he brought with him.

The British officers came around the corner as the American officers tried not to look suspicious.

"Good evening, Woodhull!" The Brit shouted to Abe. "What's going on here?"

"Oh, uh nothing. Just some business." Abe stuttered out.

"Some business? Like what?" The old British officer asked.

"Just trading with some old friends."

"Oh, mind if I take a look?" The Officer lead his horse off the road, leaving the three others behind.

"Now." Ben said quietly but loud enough so the his men could hear.

Ben swiftly shot the approaching British officer and his other two men took care of the remaining three British officers.

Abe and his father both looked horrified at what had just taken place in front of them.

"It had to be done." Ben said solemnly to Abe.

Abe stayed silent, knowing that Ben was right.

"We need to get going to the agreed meeting spot." Ben said. "Everybody, lets go."

As soon as everybody was on the wagon, Ben snapped the reins and the horses started off. In a few short hours, they should be at the abandoned mill in Connecticut where they would trade Caleb and Isabella for Abe and his father.

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