Chapter Four

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~ two days later ~

Only an hours ride until the group reached the camp at Valley Forge. Isabella didn't know if her backside could handle sitting in a saddle for any longer. Not only that, but she really had to relieve herself.

The early December wind whipped through the air and gave each traveler a red nose and chapped cheeks. Isabella pulled her cloak hood tighter around her face to help block some of the wind.

"Isabella, I want to warn you that you may receive some strange looks once we arrive at camp... I fear the men are not used to seeing women in the camp." Her uncle explained to her.

"It is quite alright. I won't let it bother me, thank you, Uncle." She returned, wiggling in her saddle.

"Once I see the state of the camp, I'll have one of us escort you to your tent," he added.

"Thank you, but I'm certain I can walk myself around camp. I am quite capable of taking care of myself." She remarked.

Ben and Alexander both smirked and shared a knowing glance. They knew the General did not like to be defied, and that was exactly what Isabella was doing. However, much to their shock, he gave her a warm smile.

"I know that you are more than capable, but I just wish to see you settled in nicely." George explained.

"Well, I thank you, Uncle."


A village of white tents... that was the only way Isabella could describe the Continental Army camp here at Valley Forge.

"Well, here's home," Hamilton added, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"That it is..." Ben added.

The group rode down the hill and into the camp where they were greeted by salutes and stares. The General gave some of his men curt nods or slight smiles, which Isabella suspected was generous of him towards his men. Once inside the camp, they dismounted their horses and handed them to a few stable boys.

Walking through the maze that was this camp, Isabella wondered how they weren't always lost. Her thoughts were so preoccupied that she didn't realize the white tent that was larger than the rest as they approached it. Major Tallmadge, Colonel Hamilton, and Isabella all followed him into the tent.

The inside of the tent wasn't very extravagant, which seemed appropriate for a military camp. Isabella was interrupted from her thoughts by her uncle's voice.

"I have assigned you to a tent in the eastern quadrant, not far from Major Tallmadge, Colonel Hamilton and myself... should you need anything. Also, you will be sharing the tent with Miss Anne Woodbayne, one of the few other women on camp who don't reside with their husbands." Washington explained, seeking tired and exhausted from the journey.

"It sound great and I can't wait to meet my new tent-mate... if that's even a word."  Isabella said with a laugh.

"Major Tallmadge would you escort Isabella to her tent please? Then take the rest of the night to settle in. All of you," Washington said, motioning to the other three in the tent with him.

"Yes, Sir," Ben said, turning to leave with Isabella.


"How do you not get lost and turned around in this camp?" Isabella asked Ben.

"Well, most of our camps are set up similarly so it is easy to navigate. The larger tents are usually for higher officers and vice versa." Ben explained, stopping in front of a tent. "Here you are, Miss."

"Please, just call me Isabella... I hate the formality of Miss."

"Well, I bid you a goodnight then, Isabella." The name felt amazing on his lips and little did he know, she loved hearing him say it as much as he loved saying it.

"And I you, Major..."


It had been an hour since Isabella had first arrived at her tent and there was still no sign of her tent-mate. What was her name again? Anne? So Isabella took this time to observe her new home.

It wasn't horribly large. Enough room for  two cots and a small trunk. Plus a bit of standing room. There was already a blanket on the cot for her and room under the cot for her small bag.

Just then, the tent flap opened to reveal an older lady with blue eyes and a kind smile. Her greyish-blonde hair was falling out of her cap and her dressed with something Isabella couldn't identify.

"Hello, I'm your new tent-mate, Isabella."

The woman gave her a kind smile and held out a hand. "I am Anne, it is lovely to meet the niece of our great general."

"Has everybody heard about me being the General's niece?" She inquired.

"Just about. Word travels quickly in this camp." Anne explained.

"Oh." There went Isabella's hope of not being treated differently because of who her uncle was.

"Do not fret child, let us go get our dinner." Anne offered, holding open the tent flap for Isabella.


Only thirty minutes later, Anne and Isabella sat in the warm confines of their tent as they ate dinner. Isabella wished to explore the camp this evening but it quickly became too dark to see everything, so she decided to wait until tomorrow. However, she did have an idea of something to do when the night was at its darkest- stargaze. Just like she used to do back home.

"General Washington asked for me to show you the ropes tomorrow and get you started as a cook." Anne informed her.

"I can't wait, thank you, Anne." Isabella said. "If one had to relieve themselves, where would they go?"

"The latrines are just a few rows down. I advise you to never go alone should you need to go at night. After the sun sets, some of the men become intoxicated and rowdy." Anne explained.

As Anne told her, Isabella knew that she would not adhere to Anne's advice. She knew how to defend herself and had a voice for authority.

"Please wake me if you need to," Anne offered.

"Thank you, I will," as the words left her mouth, Isabella knew they were a lie...

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