Chapter One

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~1777~ En Route to Valley Forge ~

General George Washington rode his horse at a quick gallop, Major Benjamin Talmadge and his aide, Alexander Hamilton followed behind.

The General was riding towards his brother's farm in southern Pennsylvania. A small smile crept onto his face as he thought about seeing his favorite niece again. He remembered teaching Isabella to read and write many years ago. Before the war started, she wrote him many letters... but now that he was so busy leading the Continental Army, the letters were a rarity.

As the men stopped for a break, Washington conversed lightly with some of his closest men, Hamilton and Tallmadge.

"Do you think your brother will help us?" Hamilton asked.

"Of that, I am not entirely sure..." The men's faces fell a bit. "But I do know of one thing that will help us."

The three other men looked at him skeptically. "What might that be, Sir?" Tallmadge asked.

"I happen to know one of the most intelligent people in these colonies... my niece, Isabella Washington."

At first, the other men seemed taken aback but Tallmadge was the first to smile.

"In her last letter to me, she told me how she wished to help with the Continental Army in whatever way she could. If I am correct, there will be plenty she can do for us..." Washington sent a glance towards Tallmadge, who sent a look back.

Washington secretly meant that Isabella would be a wonderful addition to the Culper Spy Ring. With her intelligence, determination, and strength, she would be a great help.

The men mounted back onto their horses and began to ride briskly. Hours later, they arrive at their destination. General Washington's brother owned a large farm, but the men didn't see a single slave.

"George?" Somebody said. Washington, Hamilton, and Tallmadge turned to see a man about the same age as the General and strikingly similar.

"Charles!" The two Washingtons embraced.

"It has been too long, brother." Charles Washington said.

"Yes it has..." George said with a slight smile.

"What brings you here to this quiet part of Pennsylvania?" Charles asked.

"Well that was something I was hoping to discuss with you more in detail." The General stated.

"That can be arranged. How about staying for dinner? You and your men can join us." Charles offered.

"That would be lovely, thank you." George said gratefully.

As Charles lead them into the large estate home, George introduced all of the younger men to his brother.

"Why hello, George." A woman greeted as the group walked into the house.

"Lovely to see you again, Mary." George greeted who the other officers assumed was his sister-in-law.

"Where are the children, Mary?" Charles asked.

"Abigail and Fredrick are playing out in the fields, Marie is with her newly betrothed, and I'd guess Isabella is in the barn, probably reading or working on more of her strange inventions." Mary responded.

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